
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, August 6, 2023



Some excerpts from Madani's tantrum in response to an Indian student’s question on meritocracy.

1. Kita kena ambil tahu tentang sejarah, tentang social contract……

2. Kalau mintak saya tolong satu dua budak itu lebih baik tapi nak change policy you kena fikir.

3. You kata meritocracy, you dari sekolah mana? You nak banding dengan sekolah orang Dayak rendah mutunya, banding dengan sekolah Hulu Tembeling …..budak Melayu belajar tanpa kemudahan.

OSTB : Kita sudah Merdeka 66 tahun. Kenapa sekolah Hulu Tembeling masih tidak ada kemudahan asas? Duit budget pendidikan kena sakau ke mana? Oi, hoi ya hoi sila jawab. 

Duit budget pendidikan sudah sakau pergi mana? Pasal apa sekolah orang Dayak rendah mutunya? Siapa pula bebal bontot lembu yang jaga kementerian pendidikan tak tahu naik taraf sekolah Dayak rendah mutu? Habis duit budget pendidikan semua sakau pi mana?

Tahun 1986 hingga 1991 siapa jadi Menteri Pendidikan? TIGA PULUH TUJUH TAHUN DULU.   Pasal apa Menteri Pendidikan 1986 - 1991 tidak tahu naikkan taraf sekolah orang Dayak? Tak tahu jaga sekolah di Hulu Tembeling? Bebal tahap bontot lembu juga ke?

Awak punya bebal tak tahu buat kerja menteri pendidikan, tak tahu jaga sekolah Dayak, tak tahu jaga sekolah di Hulu Tembeling itu awak punya bodoh.  Confirmed. 1986-1991 pun awak tak tahu jaga sekolah Dayak dan sekolah Hulu Tembeling. TIGA PULUH TUJUH TAHUN kemudian, sekarang 2023 pun awak masih tak tahu jaga sekolah Dayak dan sekolah Hulu Tembeling. Jadi awak yang bodoh.

Apa pula kena mengena awak punya bodoh dengan budak India top scorer pula yang kena marah? 

Social contract kepala hotak apa?

4. Why don’t you talk (meant to the student) and be fair to everybody, what is justice is fairness

5. Okay saya batal quota system in the country, we will lose all the election in this country and you (as an Indian will suffer more) will suffer more in this country run by PAS and Bersatu. Understand that!!!!

6. You force us to change our path now for the demand of the *extremist* (meaning requesting for meritocracy for Non Malays), we will lose the election and you know how PAS and Bersatu will treat you.

OSTB : Budak topscorer dapat 8A minta masuk matrikulasi dicap ekstremis pula!! Nauzubillah !!  The question now is : Just exactly how stupid is this donkey? Itu yang soalan besarnya.

Personally I was shocked how he responded to this teenager who happens to ask a question on meritocracy. He was intercepting the kid and was treating her like a political nemesis.

Is this fellow for real?

There is nothing wrong for the teenager to ask the questions as she is a Malaysian and feels discriminated against in pursuing her education even though she had performed well in her exams.

Further, as a sitting bullshitter, rather than answering her in a tactful manner and allowing her the space to voice out her grievances, is this how you treat a young aspiring Malaysian?

It appears from the video that he is treating this as a political platform without knowing  the decorum to handle it.

Beyond the usual political bullshit from him, what caught me by surprise is the usage of the word extremist for the question raised by the student.

Does seeking clarification on meritocracy render you an *extremist, or does he think anyone that questions him on Indian rights is construed to be *extremist*?

Folks, this is the real fellow.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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