
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Nga Kor Ming stands firm on promoting harmony amid PAS legal threat


THE Minister Of Housing And Local Government, Nga Kor Ming, has reaffirmed his commitment to promoting racial and religious harmony in the country.

This firm stance was expressed by Kor Ming on his social media platform, believed to be a response to a statement by PAS, which announced plans to take legal action against the Deputy Chairman of the National DAP over the issue of Christmas celebrations in his ministry.

Through X, Kor Ming also emphasised that he would not succumb to threats from ‘extremists’ and would defend the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

“I am a minister for all Malaysians, regardless of race and religion. I will continue to promote racial and religious harmony. I will also continue to defend the fundamental freedoms of the nation, guaranteed by the Federal Constitution, and will not bow to extremist threats. For the sake of the nation,” he said today.

Earlier, PAS announced it would take legal action against Kor Ming over his statement, which was claimed to be defamatory and a slander against the party.

PAS Secretary-General, Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan, was reported as saying that the party viewed the minister’s extreme and emotionally charged statement seriously.

This followed Kor Ming’s accusation that PAS had ‘gone astray’, ‘spread heretical teachings’, ‘exploited religion’, ‘damaged societal harmony’, and ‘blocked Christmas celebrations’.

These accusations were made after the Deputy Chief of PAS Youth Central, Hanif Jamaluddin, criticised the presence of Muslims at the Christmas event organised by the ministry recently. —Focus Malaysia

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