
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, January 24, 2025

End the free lunch culture, please


Yeoh Guan Jin

Malaysians love freebies. Free toll. Free gift. Free ride. The word “free” is a big part of our lexicon.

It is therefore no surprise that the government’s decision to discontinue across-the-board toll-free travel on our highways during festive seasons henceforth will come as a big disappointment for the “balik kampung” crowd.

On Tuesday, works minister Alexander Nanta Linggi announced that the government will adopt a “more targeted approach” in place of a blanket toll exemption during festive seasons.

He said this would be more in line with the targeted subsidy policy.

The last time travellers were allowed to zip along the highway for free was during the Christmas holidays.

Back then, Nanta  announced that that the initiative would cost the government RM38 million.

He was wrong. The point is that the RM38 million bill will, in the end, be paid by us, the taxpayers, including those who have decided to remain in the city during the holidays rather than be caught in the jam.

In any case, the money could have been better spent elsewhere.

The “toll free” initiative was a hare-brained idea in the first place.

Every Malaysian ends up paying for those few who want to enjoy the “free” ride, whether or not they take a drive along the highway during the “toll holiday”.

We may not like the fact that we have to pay to drive along the highway, but given that someone has to pay for its upkeep, the users should be among those who will have to chip in.

It is unfair to expect those who do not use the highway to also cough up the money to underwrite the high cost of building and subsequently maintaining these arteries of the nation’s economic lifeblood.

The government’s decision to do away with blanket “free toll” travel now will mean that those who wish to make the trek back to their hometowns and villages for the Lunar New Year celebrations will be the first to feel the pinch.

Full details of the “targeted approach” have yet to emerge but it already sounds suspiciously like a way to continue giving some the privilege, making it a half-measure.

The point is that the government should consider making everyone pay if they choose to cruise down the toll highway.

Making exceptions here and there is another problem with our culture.

But that is a story for another day.

On that note, we offer good wishes to everyone as we usher in the year of the snake.

Enjoy snaking your way back to your kampung. - FMT

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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