
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 14, 2016

Art rues tactics of pro-Umno bloggers in Syed Saddiq case

Lawyer says the tactic of launching personal attacks on individuals they fear is the main reason why Umno will "fail miserably" in their cyber war.
Art-HArunPETALING JAYA: Launching a personal attack on an individual rather than counteracting his or her statements with rebuttals of their own is the reason why pro-government/Umno bloggers will never win over the masses in their cyber war, says Azhar Harun.
Posting a message on Facebook, the lawyer and social activist, also known as Art, was commenting on the recent accusation by pro-Umno bloggers that Asia’s top debater and government critic Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman was a “kaki clubbing” or avid clubber. A picture of Syed dancing in a club was also posted.
Syed has since admitted it was indeed him in the picture but said he was not a “disco junkie” as alleged nor a perfect human being or Muslim for that matter, and that the past did not define who he was today.
Praising Syed for his intelligence and mastery at articulating his thoughts on issues well, Art said he did not think it was a “mistake” in the first place to go to a disco or to like clubbing.
More importantly, he criticised pro-Umno bloggers for always preferring to launch personal attacks when they feared an individual’s thoughts rather than offer an intelligent rebuttal to an argument.
“This is the usual SOP for pro-government/Umno bloggers. They have zero answer to issues.
“They will just mark whoever they fear and attack his or her personality. They oppose the person and not the thoughts.
“That is why they fail miserably in the cyber war between themselves and the public at large,” Art said.
Saying he wished the country’s Cabinet ministers “had half” the bravery Syed displayed in standing up for what was right, Art wished the 23-year-old all the best and hoped he would not be cowed by the pro-Umno bloggers’ tactics.
“I pray that he finds the strength to continue what he does. After this, he will be pressured by his family, relatives and close friends who will now fear for his being,” Art said.
Weighing in on the issue was former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim who said he too had been accused of drinking alcohol, something that was frowned upon by Muslims in particular.
In a Facebook post, Zaid however retorted that at least he was not a “pirate” or “liar.”
“Syed Saddiq is accused of liking to go clubbing. I have been accused of liking to drink alcohol. However neither one of us is a pirate or a liar.”

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