Have politics and government inefficiency penetrated sports too? For RM270 million, is that what Malaysian taxpayers get, a collapsed complex that might have to be restored with an almost equal amount of expenditure?
Above: The entrance to the pride of the oil-rich state
Below: Land claimed from coastal swamp
This largest sports stadium in the state, named after Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, is also called Terengganu Sports Complex. It is located near Seberang Takir, on the northern flank of an army camp by the coast of the South China Sea. It takes about 20 minutes from Kota Baru and branches off eastwards on the way to the state’s airport.
The visit by this writer was sometime around a motorcycle race tournament in late June 2010. Facilities for motorcycles, car racing and other parts within the complex could not be utilised as it was sealed off. Security was completely slack.
I am aware that the disastrous collapse was reported earlier by the media but many did not give a clear picture, literally, of the damaged building, and what triggered the newly constructed complex to collapse like a pack of cards. It was a calamity in waiting, fortunately not when spectators were watching a sports event or with some VIPs in the grand stand; heads would have rolled in that state.
How could such a collapse occur? Are Malaysian engineers so inept in calculating the strength of supporting structures?
It seems that those in authority or power just closed one or both eyes and then the builders just danced with them. Malaysian engineers and other qualified personnel together with those with decades of experience in administration could not estimate the strength of buildings against exceptionally strong open sea winds. The mangled structure can tell many defects. Was this part of a cover up by the investigating body?
Barren... Not a desert, but in tropical Terengganu.
The complex is subject to flooding as the land on which it was built would sink and settle. Do the authorities know what is the time frame for the soil to settle before building anything on it? Of course not! Why? Because the faster you complete the project, the better vested interests are satisfied, the less the people would know and oppose.
The beauty about Malaysians is that they would not give two hoots, until something happens to awaken them so that they grope for answers and grumble away.
Developments are decided by politicians without any study on viability for any economical or social benefit. This huge complex now collapsed is a lame white elephant void of any maintenance on the undamaged sections, the compound and its surroundings.
Filth... Another farm for mosquitos
It is clear that no EIA had been performed. This coastal swamp harboured a variety of ‘gelam’ trees (the bark of which is used for boat building and other equipments for sealing out water), fauna and flora. I was told this area had flourished in ‘fighting’ fish, frogs and birds.
Forget about losing meagre subsidies or collective development; save it for collapsed mega projects (more to come), white elephants, exorbitant government expenditure and leakages.
It is may be true after all. Malaysia will be bankrupt soon like Greece which also spent on useless military ware purchased by politicians, complete with leakages, corruption, government inefficiency and wastage in political antagonism.
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