
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ambiga owes Bersih supporters an explanation and it better be a good one

Ambiga owes Bersih supporters an explanation and it better be a good one

It must come as a great disappointment to many out there that Ambiga has agreed to reconsider going through with the Rally after a discussion with former prime minister Abdullah Badawi. Without doubt, there are very many Bersih supporters who feel totally outraged that Ambiga has abandoned their cause, especially when arrests are taking place, Prime Minister Najib Razak is still issuing a stadium ultimatum and refusing accept that there is anything wrong with the election system.

Given such a scenario, without question, Ambiga and her Bersih team, owes Malaysians an explanation. And it had better be a good one. As she herself has pointed out, Bersih is more than a rally and it is not about her or the steering committee. It is about Malaysians and their dream of fair and just society.

If Ambiga gives silly reasons, then Malaysians who were willing to risk danger just to attend the rally must put her on top of the Forever-Boycott list. Same goes with all the members of the committee. For they have failed Malaysians. You see, the worst traitors always come from within. And it is also from within that the hurt and pain is always the deepest.

Let us hope that Ambiga and team understand this. Same goes for Pakatan. As for Najib and BN, Malaysians already know what to do.

Monday was one of the black days. When the news broke, many supporters straightaway poured scorn on poor Ambiga for her sudden about-turn. Millions of people had heeded her call to join the July 9 Bersih free-and-fair elections rally. After all the hype, with emotions running high, and the mental preparations by thousands of activists all set to converge on the capital on D-Day, her pullback stunned many. Murmuring protests of disbelief, activists are now left in a lurch whether to continue or call it a day. And for sure, no one likes the thought of being holed up in a stadium.

“Bersih don't surrender when the big day is just round the corner. Don't disappoint all of us!” were the calls of many bewildered activiststs.

Najib's folly

Indeed the day that UMNO took on Bersih 2.0, was the day UMNO made its biggest mistake. It was also the day that they had capitulated to Bersih and to the people's demands for reform. Employing the full might of the government machinery to overcome the people, like the Police, Judiciary and agitating rabble rousers to stir up trouble against the Bersih Rally was UMNO’s biggest blunder.

Now, trying desperately to save face, Najib has asked for the rally to be moved to a stadium. The Merdeka stadium has a capacity of about 50,000 people. An expected 1.5million attendees are slated to join the march. At least 30 stadiums of that size are needed to house them all. No way, our stadiums are going to hold all the activists.

Giving in to the government at this stage will be a terrible tragedy. Indeed, moving to a stadium will defeat the noble purpose. Especially where there are no electoral reforms in sight! Has Ambiga given a thought to all the arrested detainees languishing in dirty prison cells all over the country? As well as the incredulous charges of Communist subversion and waging war against the King? What about those that were unfairly arrested and had their rights trampled upon, and having to post bail?

No, the people will not be cowed. They should not be cowed. The wishes of the people must be fulfilled. And the will of the people is too far gone to beat a hasty retreat. Why shouldn't the show go on? And with or without Ambiga? Can't someone else step in. Even Pakatan Rakyat must not try to stop the people from exercising their civil right to demonstrate. A last minute cancellation will be a total loss for democracy and for the people.

Due to UMNO’s paranoia, Bersih has turned into a mammoth nationwide revolution, and this is not going start or stop on the 9th of July. The more the Government tries to quash Bersih and the people, the more determined will be the people to rebel. Bersih is meant to open the eyes of the people to the rampant corruption existing in this country.

Actually, this part has already been done without a single step being taken by a single marcher. Not only do Malaysians know their country is corrupt but so too does the rest of the world. And this is the fact. And Najib has to bear the responsibility.

But even so, Ambiga and committee must understand that supporters were all hyped up for the event. It is very cruel to disappoint them. So please make sure you have damn good reason for doing what you have done. The people are not amused. Do not ever use them. Otherwise, what is the difference between Ambiga, the Bersih team and MCA, Gerakan and MIC. Shame on you all.

To Najib and the police, please step back and accept the inevitable without shedding a drop of blood. It is not worth it, not even for billions of ringgit. Believe me. These are the views of the people. And don't try to bluff your way ot. If you were so confident, you wouldn't have rushed to hide behind the King. For an authority supposedly daring enough to call for Emergency rule, you dare not even allow a 2-hour march to the Palace. No Malaysian will ever believe you. Better you dissolve and disband now rather than be routed in the future and be man-hunted around the world to return ill-gotten gains.

Election reforms the most crucial

The electoral Roll must be amended and immediate reforms are in order. There are no two ways about it. It would also be wise for the government to stand down now, release all the detainees, call off the Cavalry, and control the rabble-rousers like Perkasa and other trouble-makers. UMNO should know better than to try and pick a fight, as the whole world is looking on. Mobilizing the police and the military at this stage will be a big mistake for the government. They should stand down and let those 2 hours pass without instigating the crowd. Don't forget, the marchers are also voters, just like you and me.

The citizens also want the government to stop belittling their intelligence with all kinds of ridiculous excuses as none of them is the least bit plausible. Really, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang hit bullseye when he called a "binge of madness". Be that as it may, don't try to slink away. We want the reforms implemented, so please get the Election Commission cracking on it. Right now.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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