
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 4, 2011

BN refusal to change will be their downfall

Written by: Dr. John Brian Anthony

After the PRU 12 there were much talk about CHANGE. Actually Prime Minister Najib continue to talk about change but he seems unable to bring the change he is talking about. He wanted to revitalize the economy and talk a lot about Economic Transformational Programs and for Sarawak PROMISES were made prior and during the last State election, yet nothing has changed. The economy do not seemed to make any substantial progress and yet we see more money being spent by the government for projects that has not produce any positive result. In Sarawak, SCORE only means benefits and business opportunities for those connected with the government leaders in Sarawak. Otherwise nothing seem to happen at all.

First let us talk about BERSIH

Before the rally actual start the BN Government is already losing the battle. Those of us who are not interested in street demo or what BERSIH is all about we started to take interest. It is too obvious that the Government do not want street demonstration to take place in Malaysia. The same old excuses are given viz the security of the country, the reputation of the country, business lost to the country, opposition ploy, outside government involvement, even the opportunity for communist to start their activity in the country has been mentioned as a possible excuse to disallow BERSIH rally.

All of the above response are HOLLOW excuses! The new generation do not accept such logic. Worst still the threat of arrest, the outlaw of the rally, the YELLOW colors restriction, the personal attack on BERSIH organizer has all brought the government to a bigger defeat even before the rally take place. The people has decided that the government has plenty to hide and committed many unfair action in Malaysian election. The government has failed to explain any issues that has been brought up by BERSIH. Only the Election Commission tried to clarify their stance but are only limited to issues that the EC has control upon. What has the BN Government done to help the voters understand the issue? NONE!

Why is the Government so defensive in negative ways?

The cabinet do not seemed to be able to come up with a change approach towards BERSIH demand. The government only remember that BERSIH caused so much political damage to the government election in 2008 and from that experience no change has been made. The Government do not seem able to come to term with valid and constructive demand from the voters. In response the government flex its power and muscle on the people and in the process lost the opportunity to win the voters by setting a correct inclusive approach to the various issues highlighted.

The government is negative because the leaders do not know how to response to the the concept of democracy seen from the eyes of a fast changing voters perception and behavior.

The voters knows their democratic rights and individual rights as provided by the constitution. Young voters are not easily frighten off by threat of arrest and physical force by enforcement agencies. The ARAB uprising against their respective government is already understood by the people who wanted change. If the government response by the use of force the will only end up killing and injuring their own citizen. The level of Malaysian education is already high so where is the effectiveness of government and police threat. Using force to solve any problem is never an option.

Positive Response

The government should allow the BERSIH rally to go on. The government should defer PERKASA and UMNO Youth rally to another date. The police must play an independent role to ensure the safety of the people holding the protest and the government should form a committee to look into BERSIH demand. The government should engage BERSIH rally positively. I do hope that the government do understand the word “CHANGE” and that will mean a different approach from the last during the BERSIH rally. Failing which BN is a sure loser in the upcoming PRU 13.


Talking about change is easy but to really make the change require personal internal change in value and principle. Well after 54 years of ruling Malaysia on the basis of racial politics it is time for Malaysia to move on to multi-racialism. It is time we dismiss our ethnic identity and swear that we are Malaysian. We should also forget about making policies that give more rights to certain sector of Malaysian and lesser to others. It is time for equality for all.

Change WE Must. BERSIH is bringing big change to Malaysia. BERSIH has no power but the government is giving BERSIH the power by being defensive and negative.

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