
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

BN's revival plans stymied by Bersih teargas and Najib's blundering

BN's revival plans stymied by Bersih teargas and Najib's blundering

The 12th general election was a turning point for Barisan Nasional. After ruling for half a century, BN simply refused to share the administration of the country with Pakatan Rakyat, even though the opposition coalition won 47 per cent of the popular vote.

Placing all its efforts, time and money on how to destroy the Pakatan, Prime Minister Najib Razak's wise decision has ended up turning the BN topsy-turvy. And if you think that finally, he will realize his foolishness and quickly announce some real reforms, you can forget it. The worst is yet to come for Malaysia especially in the aftermath of the July 9 Bersih march

His forehead furrowed in deep thoughts, his pinks lips pursed - inspiration finally comes to Najib. Ban elections per se. As simple as that. Turn Malaysia into a police state, no one has the right to rule Malaysia except for him and his cousin Hishammuddin Hussein, the Home Minister. The others in UMNO - well, they will have to suffer "crushed bodies" and "lost lives" like the non-Malays if they want to get past him.

So, with such bad, selfish and greedy attitudes, it is no wonder that BN lost the fluidity of administering the nation at full capacity. It does not help if the Pakatan is so much quicker in getting its act together and already able to put pressure on a sapped-out BN. It does not bode well when the Pakatan is only 3 years old, imagine when it is 30 years old - where would the BN hide its face?

But even so, in the words of the BN media, BN is kind and patient and has allowed the Opposition to do its worst. The blossoming of pro-Opposition blogs has also affected BN’s image, especially in the eyes of the world, with UMNO Youth calling on Parliament to provide it more 'bullets' to counter the disinformation.

But in its typical non-thinking style, UMNO Youth forgot to ask that most important question - can money do anything if they don't change the root cause of the problem? Which incidentally is their terribe and most dishonest behaviour!

UMNO's good example has always been the inspiration

According to the mainstream media, UMNO has always been people conscious, working hard behind the scene - modest and honest to a fault - repairing bridges, shoring up riverbanks, opening up new farms, mending roads, etc in the rural areas and maintaining a good rapport with the electorate.

The Chinese however are more independent, less demanding, preferring to resolve their own issues, and therefore hardly needing the MCA’s help, which has caused the party to lose touch with the electorate.

MCA, MIC and Gerakan after their devastating defeat took a long time to come to terms. Quietly formulating backup plans, they are back in the thick of action, ready to take on and defeat Pakatan Rakyat in the next election. They would have been a formidable force come GE-13. Koh Tsu Koon, in his praying mantis stance, is bursting to declare victory after his shock defeat in 2008.

But then Bersih 2.0 came along.

Suddenly, the veil dropped. And all their ugly faces of hypocrisy, cowardice and greed for material gains was exposed for the world to see. And of all people, it scared UMNO the most!

Now that the Malay nationalist party knows that their biggest partners are just as excited by monetary benefits as they are worried, they will be hard pressed to share more of their spoils of the game with the non-Malay parties.

MCA a mini carbon copy of the elitist UMNO

Admittedly, MCA lost touch with the Chinese and failed to gauge the waning Chinese support.

Their party hierarchy was an exclusive elite club where ordinary Chinese couldn’t penetrate. It is really a mini carbon copy of UMNO, where only 3 familes and a wanna-be rules. And with former top leaders being charged for embezzlement, it speaks volumes as the Chinese started to abandon their support, much to the annoyance of UMNO who had placed explicit trust in them.

Dr Chua Soi Lek, in a free and fair election against party stalwarts like Ong Tee Keat and Ong Ka Ting, managed to break that impasse winning hands down. With the MCA solidly behind him, it was matter of time before the Chinese return in droves to the MCA. Or so, they told themselves. This will happen for sure because Chua has personally and singelhandedly spared no effort to speak out in defence of the Chinese community, sometimes even at loggerheads with UMNO to do so.

He goes on to warn the Chinese of the serious loss of parliamentary representation if the trend continues unabated. He also warned that the MCA Supreme Council is in agreement, that should MCA fall in the next election, they too would not seek any representation in Parliament.

But that is just Parliament, not to worry, it doesn't include the Government Linked Companies, where the real money is anyway. And no need for all the silly parliamentary debates anyway, which take too much time that could be better spent in the karaoke with division leaders and may be a gangland leader or two, so that they can pay the bill of course.

Chua's latest outburst that the Ramadan controversy was just a DAP-PAS sandiwara shows his intellectual capabilities to smell a rat. He too can muster 50,000 Chinese marchers to match the same number of Bersih supporters. This shows his strong political conviction. As an honest family man, he even admitted guilt when he was caught recently with his pants down. Totally behind him now, he has vowed to lead the Chinese to greater glory in this country.

His only folly was with Ibrahim Ali who - believe it or not - was actualy doing him a favour by using reverse psychology to goad the Chinese into returning to the MCA. Soi Lek misread his attentions, and made him a scapegoat for angering the Chinese against the MCA. Of course Ibrahim Ali retaliated and gave him a piece of his mind. Soi Lek knows better now than to meddle with that larger-than-life dinosaur now.

He also knows better now than to do his private things in a seedy hotel especially in the Muar area.

Penang is BN's - no way LGE can beat KTK

Meanwhile, newly elected Palanivel is seen as the saviour of the MIC. A man of little words and more action, he lost no time in revamping the MIC. As the third largest community in Malaysia it barely accounts for 7% of the population.

The proliferation of so many Indian parties like PPP, PSM, HRP, has also diluted the Indian vote where the voters are spoilt for choice. But since the Indian votes are the King makers, all eyes are turned on them, come every election. MIC has much to do at the grassroots level to maintain rapport and to solve their grouses. But as Palanivel has assured Bernama repeatedly, the Indian vote has returned to MIC because of him.

Gerakan, was rudely awakened from slumber as the Penang rug was pulled from underneath their feet. Their top leaders blamed everyone but themselves, but UMNO still saw fit to retain them in the government. Their untimely departure must have been a humbling experience, but Gerakan will not make the same mistake again. Penang will be a close fight this time. It will be a battle of brains versus with Koh Tsu Koon the brains and Guan Eng the brawn.

Even if it is the other way around, BN would still win. How powerful is the BN strategy and psychology team that they paid a special 'director' millions of ringgit to dream up the Datuk T sex video script for them! Not to mention the PSM Communist plot!

Don't give up now, Dr Chua - MCA and BN are on the cusp of a revival

The BN module is a time-tested formula, in that the time has passed and it has failed the test. UMNO says it needs all the component parties to make it work but then it castrates them all in the next breath. Indeed, it is difficult to work for a boss with a seige mentality.

PAS has always been a thorn in the UMNO flesh. After all the sincere overtures they still want to stubbornly stick to the Pakatan, a rough-tough coalition of political parties headed by Najib Razak's greatest rival Anwar Ibrahim. UMNO is sad that PAS has discarded its Islamic State concept for a welfare state, which incidentally is a carbon copy of UMNO’s welfare state.

So to make up for PAS' rejection, UMNO welcomes new 'parties' like KINMA, an Indian Muslim political party which so far has been saying the right things and has all the vibes.

Another misconception that has also arisen, BN would only be too happy should DAP breakup from Pakatan Rakyat. This is not true as it will not translate into extra votes for BN. That’s why Tony Pua can bravely say anything he wants. DAP is in a world of its own, with a silly rocket symbol to match, what more can we say.

So let us strive for 1Malaysia, and do not associate it with Bersih. Secondly, refrain from wearing yellow on Saturdays even if the Queen of England has a made a fool of Najib and First Lady Rosmah Mansor. Poor woman, Rosmah we mean. She had to keep her hand under her handbag to hide that RM24million rock of a ring!

Lastly, if the going gets tough, take note of the wise words of wisdom of Dr Chua Soi Lek, not to rock the boat and keep the status quo and Tun Mahathir’s words of wisdom; that no race are entitled to everything they want. And that Sacrifices must be made for the common good.

Above all, when things go wrong, remember, “Malaysia Boleh!"

- Malaysia Chronicle

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