
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Groups give Ibrahim Ali award thumbs down

The introduction of the Ibrahim Ali Award by UiTM to commend students who have proven they have “clear and consistent” principles in upholding their race has received brickbats from various quarters.

The award was mooted by Ibrahim himself and organised by UiTM's Institut Pemikiran dan Kepimpinan Melayu (Impak).

The Independent MP for Pasir Mas is an UiTM alumnus, having studied from 1971 to 1974 in the local university established to cater to the educational needs of bumiputras.

MCA Youth secretary-general Chai Kim Sen was disappointed with UiTM's decision, commenting that Ibrahim does not deserve any recognition.

“Ibrahim is a controversial individual. His actions and statements have failed to uphold the community, instead they are harmful to national development and unity, and should not be a role model for others,” he said in a statement today.

NONEChai cited Ibrahim's (right) recent controversial statements including the remark made before Bersih 2.0 rally that Chinese should “stock up onfood at home”, and the declaration of acrusade against the Christians.

He further commented that Ibrahim's statements had brought anxiety, anger and threat to other ethnic communities.

“The decision of UiTM to offer such award has created a negative image, conveying the negative message that Ibrahim is a role model.”

'Others would have been more deserving'

Across the political spectrum, Pahang PAS commissioner Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, who was a lecturer in UiTM, shared the same view as the Chinese-based party.

"Those leaders who strove hard to make UiTM well-known and respected would have been more deserving of awards being named after them.

"Arsyad Ayub, Ani Arope, Ishak Mohamad, Dr Awang Had Salleh, and (former UiTM vice chancellor) Ibrahim Abu Shah will also be smiling to find out that there is an award named after Ibrahim Ali!" Tuan Ibrahim told his party organ Harakahdaily yesterday.

The PAS information chief predicted that the award would cease eventually as Ibrahim is not a person who is held in esteem by the people.

“An award recipient should feel proud of the award. If an award only invites scorn that will later become a stigma on the recipient, I am sure such an award will fail,” he added.

An alumnus of the university also expressed his objection against the award.

A reader by the name of Hatri Asmawi, who claimed to be an UiTM alumnus, was of the view that the struggle spearheaded by Ibrahim is “overly extreme and puts his own race first without considering the sensitivity of other races”.

"This does not represent the vision and mission of UiTM as an institution that produces students from different races and religions, who emphasise mutual harmony among races and the people of Malaysia," he said in a letter to Malaysiakini.

He warned that the award would cause UiTM graduates to be frowned upon by domestic employers.

“If the award was given, other UiTM graduates would become the victims of discrimination because of the award from a racist,” he added. - Malaysiakini

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