
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Najib takut?

Happy birthday, Najib! What would you like for a birthday present? Someone on my twitter said: what about an air ticket to france to attend the submarine court case? I thought that was a great idea!

Yesterday, Malaysia was on the world map again. See here, here, and here. As usual, for all the wrong reasons.

An affair which could have remained very low key and local, is now worldwide glare because Malaysia has deported French lawyer William Bourdon.Bourdon is not just any lawyer. He has 30 years and 50 monitoring missions behind him, probing, unraveling and exposing corrupt practises of despotic regimes, from africa to asia. Now he and the organisation he set up in 2005 – Sherpa – has set their eyes on Malaysia. This is made possible by a civil suit filed by Suaram in Paris against shipyard builder DCNS.

Arms dealing and expenditure in the country is not only complex but intriguing. And French probe has unearth millions of ringgit in commission paid to ‘top’ Malaysian officials by DCNS. Such acts are illegal and punishable by French law.
Fighting corruption within one’s one country should be considered noble, even patriotic. An open and transparent government should welcome this gesture.

So when Bourdon was detained in the aircraft just as it touchdown in KLIA on Friday, and later that night deported back to France, one can only conclude that the government under Najib Razak has alot to hide in this respect! This happens to be a universal perception.

Najib should know what perception is. Ask him ‘What is 1Malaysia?

Bourdon was accused of violating his social visit visa! But this is a lame excuse! The event in which he spoke was a close-door and thousands of business and NGO people have done just that all the time. We never heard of anyone else being DEPORTED!

The universal truth is: by deporting Bourdon, the government has turned the spotlight on Malaysia’s most controversial arms deal – the purchase of two submarines – costing a whopping rm7.3 billion!

Sometimes, I tend to believe there are elements, though hidden, within the goverment who are silently facilitating change from within. If these forces do exist, we must say ‘thank you’ and wish them well.

As for Najib, how can you possibly have a wonderful birthday when so much ‘blood’ is in thy hands?

Eo6 arrests, Bersih 2.0 police crackdown, Teoh Beng Hock forced suicide, Sarbani’s ‘XXX’ suicide, and yesterday the panic over Bourdon’s visit here. Is this your gift to the rakyat? I suppose we should plan a big birthday bash for you. Because it doesn’t do you good to go on bashing others like this! - Susan Loone's blog

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