
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Putrajaya tells MACC to buck up, agrees Teoh’s death avoidable

July 24, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, July 24 Putrajaya has acknowledged that former DAP aide Teoh Beng Hock would not have died if the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had followed proper investigation procedures.

As such, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz told the graft-busting agency to save itself from further disgrace by implementing the recommendations made in the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s (RCI) report on the youth’s death.

In an exclusive interview with Utusan Malaysia and published verbatim in the daily’s Sunday edition Mingguan Malaysia today, the de facto law minister said MACC must accept the RCI’s findings and not deny that there are weaknesses in its techniques.

“The death would not have happened if the investigation was carried out according to prescribed procedures and satisfactory standards. When something like this has happened, we must accept the fact that there are things that must be done,” he said.

“I would also like to remind that we must admit to these weaknesses, do not deny it. It is not that I do not want to defend these (MACC) officers but I believe, and I know, that some things have happened.

“Based on the (RCI) report that we have read, it clearly shows that the investigation was carried out continuously. MACC must correct itself,” added Nazri.

The Padang Rengas MP also declared Teoh’s case as closed, saying that there was no need to form another RCI because the youth’s family and the opposition had rejected the suicide conclusion in the report.

He however added that although the MACC needs to revamp itself, the RCI had absolved it of murder charges and this should not be questioned further.

“I find that the truth has been revealed and it has been proven that the MACC did not kill Teoh. This is clear and MACC has been freed from the charge. Despite what has happened, I am confident that the people will continue to support the MACC,” he said.

Nazri (picture) also denied that the RCI report had been made public due to public pressure, pointing out that he had prepared a memorandum on July 1 to ensure that that the report is released in full.

He also agreed with accusations against opposition party members like Lim Kit Siang, Gobind Singh Deo and Karpal Singh that Teoh’s death had been heavily politicised.

“So whatever the outcome of the RCI, they will not accept. Look at what Lim Kit Siang said that forced suicide equals to homicide... where he learned this law, it’s too remote.

“To prove murder, there must be mens rea (intention) and actus reas (action)... in Teoh’s case, where was the mens rea?” said Nazri.

The RCI report, which was released on Thursday, ruled that the former DAP aide had committed suicide as a result of “aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous interrogation” by MACC officers, particularly the then deputy director for Selangor MACC Hishammuddin Hashim and enforcement officers Arman Alies and Mohd Ashraf Mohd Yunus.

The MACC announced yesterday the suspension of the three officers named in the RCI report, pending an internal probe on the royal panel’s findings.

It also said that it “accepts and views seriously” the RCI’s findings, adding that it has already moved to implement some of its recommendations, including fitting CCTVs, setting up a special ‘Video Interview Rooms (VIR)’ and ensuring that all individuals are dealt with at the ground floor and that they will be accompanied at all times.

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