
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 24, 2011

SNAFU in Malaysia !

The recent deportation of the French lawyer William Bourdon, a lawyer engaged by Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) or Citizen's Voice Malaysia has set many a tongue wagging not just here in Malaysia but also internationally ( read here ) .

Although the reasons given by the immigration as Bourdon having violated his social visit visa by giving a speech at a fund-raising dinner in Penang, it is clearly understood by the thinking-masses it was the police who were directed to arrest him and hand-over to the immigration for deportation. And we all know who the police take their orders from, right ? The BN government of the day aka Najib !

Now if any of you traveled overseas and are invited by your host to speak at a forum/dinner there, would you be violating your visit pass ? Surely not unless you are in Malaysia and was speaking of a corrupt deal cum
"murder most foul"in a government defense purchase from France that could if proven true in a French court, implicate the very position of the man who holds the highest position in public office in our country......the Prime Minister himself !

If this French lawyer is a liar and Najib is not afraid of the truth why can't the government use the proper channel to refute those alleged accusations ? That is what is always preached by Najib's government to all angry and dissatisfied citizens like you and me, yes ? Sue this Frenchie
for all he's worth in a court of law. This act of deportation has increased the suspicions of mere speculators here and world-wide of higher level government involvement. Habis lah !

It seems this government is so fearful of the truth. Why...I speculate in knowing wonder !
There' going to be laughter in the French courts when the jesters get roasted and some big foreign VVIP wipes his sweaty forehead in the docks while getting fried and grilled by attorneys and then heads will rock and roll !

Our Prime Minister is making one blunder after another. The 2Bersih sweep by brutal police crack-down on his
"unarmed and tax-paying citizens" in yellow and the fate of the now famous Emergency Order 6 ( EO6) who were neither communist nor waging war against the King and still in limbo was the mother of all blunders our Prime Minister has bungled recently followed by that "slap" of a picture with the Queen of England mocking him in a rare choice of "Bersih" yellow in Buckingham. Who ARE his ill-advisors huh....pray tell ??? Democracy in Malaysia is but just a word from the English dictionary, nothing more, nothing less ! All hail the new Dictator....a prodigy of MahaFiruan !

Then came Najib's
"deal" to Christians to respect Islam to be respected. A request most unbecoming of a Prime Minister to his own tax-paying citizens so soon after his unexplained agenda and audience with the Pope ! Wonder what "suspicious"Archbishop Pakiam would have whispered in Latin into the Pope's ear for Najib to react in this unprofessional way. Another bad move and certainly does not go down well to the nearly 90% Christian voters in Sabah and Sarawak alone discounting those from the peninsular.

Beware the next GE, Mr. UMNO Prime Minister, but beware most of all those who are even closer to you......for somewhere therein LIES the TRUTH !

Well that's what it is like here in my lovely country Malaysia, on any given day....SNAFU !

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