
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, July 2, 2011

Will rakyat be spooked by threats of violence?

your say'The MCMC instructions are clear proof that the police are preparing to launch a violent attack on the unarmed Bersih protestors.'

TV, radio told to demonise Bersih rally

DannyLoHH: So, the ruling regime is laying the groundwork for a high-handed crackdown on Bersih 2.0. Everything goes now, they have instructed the media to be biased. They have specifically mentioned what to cover and what not to cover.

It is like they are preparing to use force, to break up a perfectly peaceful rally. They are so desperate that they have threatened, and even prepared, to do a full-scale Internet clampdown by closing websites promoting the Bersih rally.

It really made me wonder, why is the ruling regime so fearful of a rally that call for electoral reform? Isn't their reaction tantamount to an admission that the election has been rigged in favour of the ruling regime all these times?

Jiminy Qrikert: This is a sure indication that the authorities are resigned to the fact that the rakyat will be there at the Bersih rally and there's nothing that their current pre-emptive efforts can do to stop it.

How smart of them to realise that they cannot prevent the rakyat from supporting a peace march calling for a thorough clean-up of the elections process. That is all the rakyat is rallying for - fair, free and transparent elections. What has the BN government to hide if not for all the underhanded measures they have already put in place to ensure they win?

The BN government is oppressing the rakyat to ensure they can continue with their schemes to rob the rakyat of a true measure of democracy while the rakyat is bent on reinstating it.

Anonymous_4135: Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

FellowMalaysian: It looks certain that directives have been given by top government leaders, including PM Najib Razak, laying down counter-measures to prevent the Bersih 2.0 rally.

It is not enough for them to use their monopoly power over the mass media, including complete control of all TV stations and major newspapers, in their vicious onslaught against the Bersih campaign. They are also now dictating instructions to the electronic media. The police force has been told to stand ready as if they are fighting an impending war.

Najib is using threats and intimidation tactics, drumming fear into the rakyat and hoping that this would stop Bersih.

2CTS WORTH: Umno knows it is finished, kaput, ting tang walla walla bing bang. This desperate move to stop Bersih has actually magnified it a trillion times. The news is now all over Malaysia and has gone international.

The simple and correct thing to do is allow the march, and it will be over soon enough.

Isa@1penyu: This is an illegal gathering by an NGO which claims to be non-partisan but is solely supported by Pakatan Rakyat.

This is just a rally in disguise to promote the waning PKR party and S Ambiga as usual has an axe to grind with the government and will do anything to bring it down. She talks as if she knows more about law and order then the police.

It takes a small spark to light the fire for a rally to turn violent so why gamble?

Anonymous_3e20: ISA@1penyu, Ambiga is advocating a noble cause. We support her 100 percent. We will walk with her on July 9 to show that the majority of the rakyat support her. Why are you so paranoid?

We are not there to create a ruckus, but to show our support for free and fair elections. There are thousands of us going there by bus, taxi or LRT to have some ice cream, rojak, etc, and later walk to the Istana. We are actually giving more business to the shopowners.

If there is any ruckus, then it must be incited by others like Perkasa or Umno Youth. Bersih people are peace-loving.

Good men: "On July 9, the day of the rally, footage showing police using violence on protesters is considered taboo, the editors said."

That means they are intent on using violence on the day. They don't want it seen. People, make sure as many as possible of you bring handy-cams.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: Foreign expatriates and tourists must be wondering if they accidentally stumbled into North Korea or Nazi Germany by mistake. Or even Terry Gilliam's 'Brazil' and George Orwell's '1984'.

We know the spineless lackeys of most of the mainstream media will comply with the MCMC's instructions to lie and twist the truth. We also know that Malaysiakini, Merdeka Review and the few independent news portals will stand strong and tall against the tide of propaganda and lies spewed by the regime.

Malaysiakini, please prepare yourself for the inevitable DDOS attack by Umno-BN hackers. You are the people's bastion of truth.

Anonymous_40a7: I watched the NTV7 news at 8pm yesterday, and it's true - the newscaster said "the illegal rally", rather than calling it "Bersih rally".

They also didn't mention the date but instead stated "next month". And they showed the arrests made in Gopeng for "promoting an illegal gathering". It's quite sad that MCMC is now playing 'Big Brother' and the MSM (mainstream media) becoming 'Pak Turut'.

Anonymous: It's sad to see some journalists sold their soul for a bowl of rice.

Rais unaware of MCMC curbs on Bersih coverage

Karma: But Information Minister Rais Yatim was aware that there is a conspiracy to make Christianity the official religion, which till today bears no proof. His information turns on and off like failing light bulbs.

Ibnu Ishak: The man is consistent. Doesn't know anything. Never does. Never did. - Malaysiakini

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