
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, July 3, 2011

Yet another tired foreign bogeyman spin

your say'As Mark Twain observed, a lie can be half-way round the world before the truth has had time to get its boots on. But the Internet is quicker on the draw.'

DPM warns of interference by 'major powers'

Dharma: Look around and see the corruption and politicisation of our institutions. Umno's agitators of all stripes are spoiling for a fight after the 'go-ahead' signal from the establishment.

Their security apparatus ignore the violent rhetoric from these agitators while falsely and systematically demonising and apprehending the peaceful Bersih supporters. Who is DPM Muhyiddin Yassin trying to fool?

As Mark Twain observed, a lie can be half-way round the world before the truth has had time to get its boots on. However, the many eyes of the Internet are quicker on the draw, and fooling most of the people all the time is harder than it was.

Most Malaysians have their eyes wide open now. The future of Malaysia is really up to us. Do we want our children to inherit a banana republic where Umno continue to rape and plunder the country, or do we say enough is enough and let's vote for change?

Kee Thuan Chye: On what evidence is DPM Muhyiddin Yassin basing this statement? Which foreign powers would want to waltz into Malaysia and take it over? How convenient to always blame it on some phantom foreign powers.

Don't simply talk lah, please. You are a deputy prime minister, for crying out loud!

Calvert Yap: Muhyiddin is right. Bersih is supported by the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, with funds from the Americans and European Union so that they can take over this rich and strategic country.

How stupid is this? By the way, Muhyiddin, are you talking as a Malay or a Malaysian? You should be the last one to even mention racial unity.

Clearwater: I think I know one major power Muhyiddin is referring to. You recall a dignitary from a non-democratic power that visited Malaysia recently and was greeted by badly-worded bannerswritten in his language sourced through Google translation?

He must have been so insulted he wants his government to interfere in Malaysia's internal affairs so as to enable the teaching of Mandarin to officers in the PM's Department.

Mahindar Singh: Malaysia is a peaceful country but we are all tired of corruption, crime, failing education system which the BN is unable to resolve.

BN must understand, it cannot continue the way it is being doing. We have a whole new generation, but we have the same old politicians.

Threats and more threats will not work. It was a graduate unemployed fruit seller who rocked Tunisia and all because Zine al-Abidine was completely not in touch of what is happening and think that brutal force is the solution.

It used to be like that but now no more, so PM and DPM, please open your eyes and ears for the good of the nation.

ONG: Umno keeps claiming that BN's defeats in Penang, Kedah, Kelantan, Selangor, Perak and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur prove that we have a clean election system.

On the contrary, one can also claim that if we have had a clean election system, BN would have been defeated not only in Penang, Kedah, Kelantan, Selangor, Perak and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, but also in the rest of the country.

Swipenter: "Muhyiddin said chaos would cause instability and destroy the economy and unity among the people."

This lovely country is being destroyed by racism, religious extremism, corruption, mismanagement, misrule and abuse of powers after more than 50 years under Umno/BN. The wealth of the country is plundered and raped by Umnoputras, BNputras, their cronies, friends and family members.

The unity, acceptance and tolerance for each other is being torn apart by racial politics and racial discrimination. The peaceful co-existence of various religions is being sabotaged by marginalising non-official religions and preaching religious intolerance by Umno's brand of Islam.

After 50 years, the people of this country has woken up to the false pretenses of Umno/BN rule. They are now asking why this lovely country with so much potential and wealth are facing so much racial and religious disunity, widening income disparity, budget deficits and huge problems of governance.

Dood: "Foreign agents", "communists", "subversive elements", "interference by major powers"... what other tall tales do our Orwellian Umno/BN leaders have to spin for us?

TehTarik: Yes, Muhyiddin is absolutely right. I just heard through the grapevine that the US Pacific fleet is off the Malaysian coast, ready to launch at attack on our beloved nation on July 9. The Israeli Mossad has already infiltrated the nation via Bersih.

Some elements of Al-Qaeda are already lurking within the anti-Bersih 'Kotor' movement. The Indian RAW spy agency might already have infiltrated Hindraf. Even the Chinese communists, not to be undone, are masquerading as PSM. No wonder their leader Dr D Jeyakumar has been detained under the Emergency Ordinance.

Kudos to the Malaysian police, for an excellent job in saving the nation against the 'major powers' and their local spies. For my part, I promise to spend every minute of my waking time looking for commies and lecherous spies under every table and behind every wall in this beautiful country of ours to save Malaysia, so that our patriotic Umnoputras can continue with their ostentatious life.

Teh Thian Hwa: Keep spouting bull dust. It would not make an iota of difference. You have long lost whatever remnant of moral authority you may have retained in your shriveled imagination.

You have only succeeded in reaffirming the stupidity and desperation of the bankrupt government that you pretend to lead. Umno is no more, and the earlier you accept that the better the chance of you redeeming your soul.

Bersih will live on, and even in yonder Down Under, fed-up Malaysians will gather to support the rally on July 9.

Malaysiasakit: DPM, yet another major foreign power bogeyman story? You know what - this story is spun so well by Umno that even my 70-year-old mother-in-law bought it.

South Korean 'foreign agent' deported

Indon Planter: Dear Perkasa, please rise to the occasion and strongly condemn South Korea for sending their spy into Malaysia. Umno Youth, please bring 300 patriotic 'Mat Rempit' to set the South Korean embassy ablaze. Ali Rustam, request the Korean government to revoke Song Min Young's citizenship...

Anak Watan: The next travel advisory from Wisma Putra - 'All foreigners coming to Malaysia cannot be involved in any political activities. For example, no talking to Malaysians without Special Branch chaperon'. Sounds like a country north of South Korea.

Anak 1Sabah: Song Min Young and Romeo Castillo a foreign agent? More like being at the wrong place at the wrong time or making a big mistake in visiting Malaysia.

People Power: Myanmar deported Michelle Yeoh, Malaysia deported Song. Malaysia is at par with Myanmar now.

Henry Hock: Song will now have a song to sing against Malaysia. - Malaysiakini

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