
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hang Ambiga, says UMNO MP for Sri Gading...

An Umno lawmaker called tonight for Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan to be hanged for the “treasonous” act of organising the April 28 Bersih rally for free and fair elections, which the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) has claimed was an attempt to topple the Najib administration.

Sri Gading MP Datuk Mohamad Aziz(left) compared the Bersih chief to leaders of the Al-Ma’unah militants who tried to overthrow the government in 2000 and were eventually sentenced to death by hanging for “waging war against the King,” the first people to be convicted of the offence.

“Shouldn’t we also hang Ambiga (picture) for treason towards the Agong? Traitors should be punished as harshly as possible,” the four-term federal lawmaker told Parliament when debating the supplementary supply bill.

The Tabung Haji director, who has previously accused opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of planning bloodshed and death at the rally, added that he was “willing to spill my blood for this country” to roars of approval from his fellow backbenchers.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has also accused Bersih of an attempted coup and Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has said there were elements in the rally who wanted to instigate death and bloodshed.

The government has set up a panel to investigate the April 28 violence, but the choice of former police chief Tun Hanif Omar, as panel head, has been widely criticised after he compared the movement to communism and accused the organisers of trying to overthrow the government.

The April 28 rally that saw tens of thousands gather at six different locations before heading to Dataran Merdeka was peaceful until about 2.30pm when Ambiga asked the crowd to disperse.

But her announcement was not heard by most of the crowd who persisted to linger around the historic square which the court had already barred to the public over the weekend.

Just before 3pm, some protestors breached the barricade surrounding the landmark, leading police to disperse the crowd with tear gas and water cannons.

Police then continued to pursue rally-goers down several streets amid chaotic scenes which saw violence from both sides over the next four hours.

Several dozen demonstrators have claimed that they were assaulted by groups of over 10 policemen at a time and visual evidence appears to back their claim but police also point to violence from rally-goers who attacked a police car.

The Al-Ma’unah group had audaciously stolen weapons from an army camp in July 2000 before finally being cornered and forced to surrender in Sauk, Perak.

Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali, who led the band of 29 men, was hanged six years later, followed by three other leaders of the terrorist group.

Prior to an earlier Bersih rally held on July 9 last year, a group of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) activists were also arrested on suspicion of planning to wage war on the King.

The move gained widespread condemnation and the last batch of six PSM leaders were only freed from detention 28 days later before being charged for subversion just days later. - wargamarhaen.blogspot

Hakim tanya mengapa k'jaan 'layan' permintaan BERSIH

Seorang peguam kanan persekutuan 'dihujani soalan' dari Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi hari ini apabila beliau tidak dapat menyatakan dengan jelas pendirian kerajaan terhadap Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (BERSIH).

NONEHakim Mahkamah BahagianRayuan dan Kuasa-Kuasa Khas, Datuk
Rohana Yusof kelihatan keliru dengan perintah Menteri Dalam Negeri mengisytiharkan BERSIH sebagai pertubuhan haram pada 1 Julai 2011, tetapi membenarkan perhimpunan duduk bantah BERSIH 3.0 pada 28 April tahun ini.

Rohana bertanya mengapa kerajaan "melayan" permintaan BERSIH untuk menganjurkan perhimpunan tersebut.

Jawapan yang diberikan oleh Peguam Persekutuan Azizan Md Arshad adalah kerajaan membenarkan BERSIH 3.0 kerana Akta Perhimpunan Aman telah dikuatkuasakan.
Katanya, pengharaman BERSIH tidak ditarik balik dan skop arahan yang dikeluarkan tahun lalu itu termasuk BERSIH 2.0, BERSIH 3.0 dan semua aktivitinya.

Hakim Rohana yang kelihatan tidak puashati dengan jawapan tersebut, bertanya jika menteri dalam negeri mengharamkan BERSIH dan semua aktivitinya, bagaimana pula menteri mengiktiraf perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 di bawah undang-undang lain.

Beliau seterusnya memetik Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) sebagai contoh dan bertanya sama ada pertubuhan yang diharamkan itu boleh memohon untuk mengadakan perhimpunan di bawah akta yang sama.

"Bolehkah (setiausaha agung PKM) Chin Peng memohon untuk mengadakan perhimpunan atas kapasiti peribadinya?" soal Tommy Thomas, peguam utama yang mewakili Pengerusi Bersama BERSIH, Datuk S Ambiga dan 14 yang lain.

perak state govt crisis 030309 tommy thomasTommy (kiri), dalam hujahnya mendakwa BERSIH adalah sebuah pertubuhan yang tidak diperbadankan yang mana diiktiraf oleh Common Law, dan tidak terletak di bawah bidang kuasa Akta Pertubuhan.

"Oleh itu, apabila menteri yang digunakan Seksyen 5 Akta Pertubuhan Akta untuk mengisytiharkan BERSIH 2.0 sebagai pertubuhan haram, ini adalah ultra vires," katanya.

Tommy juga berkata BERSIH telah dinafikan hak untuk didengar  sebelum perintah itu dikeluarkan, dan ini bertentangan dengan keadilan asasi.

Azizan menyangkal bahawa Akta Pertubuhan tidak menyatakan hak untuk didengar apabila menteri membuat keputusan.

Beliau juga berkata orang yang tepat untuk membuat keputusan mengenai isu-isu berkaitan keselamatan negara dan ketenteraman awam adalah Menteri Dalam Negeri, dan mahkamah tidak boleh mempersoalkan keputusan itu.- malaysiakini


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