
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


A Member of Parliament must always realise the real "kingmakers" are the rakyat. The government of the day is just given the power by the rakyat to administer the nation.

The really uncall-for remark "Hang Ambiga" yesterday made by this Sri Gading MP from UMNO, clearly shows how shallow our UMNO "contractor" MPs are (Now we know why Dr Mahathir said there are no leaders in UMNO anymore).

Ambiga is one of the persons in Bersih and since she is a co-chairman, she spoke what was agreed with the organising committee's decision and aspirations.

Ambiga is an Indian, so why is he only picking on her? Is it on racial grounds? The other co-chairman is a Malay, why not pick on him too. MIC and other Indian organisations are surely going to voice their unhappiness on the Sri Gading MP's 'racist' comment.

One thing the Sri Gading MP must realise is the Election Commission has until now not resolved to totally CLEAN the Election Roll of "bogus" voters although various sources have given them prove of this mal-practice.

Ambiga's only "CRIME" is seeking for a CLEAN and FAIR ELECTION for all Malaysians. The peaceful rally on 28 April 2012 was just to create awareness among the Malaysian public that NOT EVERYTHING is right with the election process.

To terms someone a "traitor" is really alarming. It looks like if a citizen or a group wishes to bring injustice to light,  it is a crime and he or she is a traitor or causing treason towards the Agong. What Ambiga and her Bersih team brought to the attention of all Malaysians is that Elections in Malaysia is not clean and fair. They have even given evidence to back their claim.

Sri Gading MP must look back on April 28, 2012 and see who are the real traitors? Independent account of what happen with a ample amount of videos of the rally in youtube and facebook really speaks for itself.

Yes, its true that UMNO/BN federal government has been blaming Bersih 3.0 rally. But we must remember that the UMNO/BN has an ulterior motive behind their claim. The UMNO/BN federal government were really shocked and embarrassed by the presence of about 250,000 people had assemble without any financial gains (although unable to count UMNO dispute this figure). We could clearly see that everything was peaceful UNTIL THE POLICE USED TEAR GAS and WATER CANNONS on the crowd. Who is to be blamed for the rally turning ugly is for a truly independent Commission of Inquiry to establish. Even the present UMNO form Commission of Inquiry is a farce since some members are deem"unsuitable" and without integrity.

Sri Gading MP Mohamad Aziz should immediately apologise to Ambiga and the rakyat for his unwarranted remark.

UMNO/BN must also reprimand this Sri Gading MP Mohamad Aziz for his statement since it can cause a 'racial' crisis between the Indians and Malays.

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