
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

‘We are all frogs, even Musa and Pairin’

There no longer exist any Sabah politicians who can claim that they were not 'frogs', says political maverick Jeffrey Kitingan.
KENINGAU: Maverick politician Jeffrey Kitingan, often accused of being a political frog, launched a stinging attack on Sabah politicians for lacking integrity and being unable to fight for the state.
He bitterly rebuked those who claim he was a ‘political frog’ for jumping from party to party, and said unlike him, all local leaders had switched allegiances and had forsaken their political principles.
Now the Sabah chairman of the State Reform Party (STAR), he said there was no Sabah politician who could claim they were not ‘frogs’ as it was well known that they had switched allegiances a number of times to gain or remain in power.
“We are all frogs, even the Chief Minister (Musa Aman), even the president of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) (Joseph Pairin Kitingan, lack political integrity).
Jeffrey, the younger brother of Joseph Pairin, however, said at the launching of the party branch in Bingkor on Sunday that he had switched parties several times in order to look for solutions for Sabah and “not for my own interest.”
The Harvard University trained scholar said he had done so because other Sabah leaders had failed to resolve the state’s perennial problems despite joining the government.
With a broad sweep of the brush he painted all Sabah politicians with the same label they had tarred him with as they had “all in one way or another switched sides to further their political careers” and that they only stopped “hopping” the moment they got positions and personal comfort.
He said in among Sabah politicians, sacrificing the aspirations of the people was nothing new.
For now, he said, these “selfish leaders” would stick with the ruling Umno as long as the party is in government or as long as they have their own position but would jump to other parties if Umno is no longer ruling.
“They are actually fat frogs now so they don’t jump anymore,” he said explaining his switching political parties multiple times which had been used to discredit him.
‘STAR has its perjuangan’
Likening Sabah BN component parties to “buffaloes led by their nose”, he accused them of being traitors to Sabahans and puppets of Peninsular-based Umno and that they have no choice but to sing Umno’s tune to remain in power.
“We in STAR have our ‘perjuangan’, but they have lost theirs. They have forgotten because they are full now, because they are intoxicated by projects,” he said in one of his most stinging attack yet against Sabah leaders in cahoot with Umno, and that includes his own brother Pairin.
Chiding those who ridiculed his move from party to party, Jeffrey said none of the parties he joined would carry his struggle to regain the independence of Sabah.
He said everyone else would eventually fall for lucrative positions and self-comfort.
“Sabah is an independent country by itself. Whoever subscribes to a vision of an independent Sabah should join us in STAR now and make sure Umno’s stooges are defeated in the coming general election,” he told a appreciative crowd of more than 400.
He also cautioned Sabahans of getting “out off the frying pan and into a fire” by supporting other opposition parties such as PKR as they were peninsula Malaysia parties who would only weaken Sabah and strengthen Malayan hegemony over Sabah.
“Don’t be disheartened as the coming election is another opportunity God gives us to change the situation. As long as we are alive, we still have hope and it is this hope that makes the people support STAR,” he said, adding that STAR had registered 175,000 members in six months.
He promised that if STAR formed the next state government, it would double the monthly welfare aid to all qualified senior citizens from RM300 to RM600 and also RM500 would be placed in a saving account for each Sabahan baby born.
Jeffrey was later proclaimed by the organiser as the “Father of Struggle to Reclaim Sabah Rights” at the function and a group of children presented a plaque of a symbolic seven-pointed star to him to mark the launching of the Bingkor branch of the party.


  1. Pemimpin yang sering lompat parti seperti Jeffrey dilihat tiada pendirian dan sukar untuk dipercayai oleh rakyat.

    1. Jefrey adalah raja katak.. paling suka lompat parti.. jgnlah kita sokong orang mcm ini.

    2. I find Jeff as the most unstable politician. He often jumps from one party to another and he dares to say that Musa and pairin is just like him. tsk tsk tsk.

    3. Maksud di sebaliknya kan, si DJK ni akun dia ketua lompat katak. hahaha

    4. Well, he is one of the frogs too.

    5. Mungkin Jeffrey kali ini ikslas? Adakah rakyat akan memberi peluang kepadanya?

  2. Jika STAR di Sabah juga tidak mendapat apa2 pencapaian waktu PRU nanti, saya tidak hairan Jeffrey sekali lagi lompat parti.

    1. Star tk diterima di Sarawak, apa lagi di Sabah. Jeffrey hnya gunakan star untuk kepentingan diri ja.

    2. Its not surprising at all if Jeff suddenly jump to another party again after losing in the GE.

    3. Hahaha... Bab lompat melompat ni dah melekat dengan diri Jeffrey dan memang betul kalau dia lompat lagi, memang takda yang hairan pun.

    4. I don't think he will hop, he'll just start a new party.

    5. Budaya lompat ini biasalah. Cuma budaya ini membawa kesan dan imej negatif juga.

  3. WOW, that's a way to admit something. way to go.

    1. Jeffrey is always Jeffrey. He won't changed.

  4. Jumping from one parti to the other is not the main problem, problem is political principles.

    1. Sebab itulahj, sukar untuk rakyat percaya dengan si DJK ni. Macam takda pendirian kalau asyik keluar masuk parti ja.

    2. Personally, if you hop for a better tomorrow then I don't think it would be a wrong thing to do.

    3. Mungkin Jeffrey ikhlas untuk memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat.

  5. anyways, i support Musa since i see no point of accusing him as a frog.

  6. Yes but the question that should be asked is who is the King of all frogs?

  7. But compare him with musa and pairin, he jump to another party more than them.

  8. SI DJK ni ikut sedap ja cakap orang lain macam tu. Bukankah lepas bagus kalau dia akun dia mcm tu tanpa libatkan orang lain:P Barulah namanya gentleman.

  9. But the title King of Frogs will always held by Jeffrey.

  10. Tapi kalau dilihat yang memegang gelaran yang hebat mengenai raja katak sudah pastilah JK sendiri. Cuba JK cerita dari mula politik beliau sehingga menyertai Kerajaan keluar dari PBS/BN menyertai PKR..PKR/PR keluar lagi lepas itu UBF. sudah itu datang pergi Sawarak pinjam parti orang Sarawak bawa pergi Sabah iaitu STAR. Lepas ini tidak tahu lagi apa yang berlaku.

  11. Kesian jika diingat cerita JK inikan.

  12. STAR masih baru, bukan mudah rakyat akan memberi peluang. Harapkan yang positif politik di Sabah.

  13. Stop all personal attack. The politic shouldn't such a way.

  14. Pairin still in PBS even in BN component

  15. bagaimana Jeffrey boleh katakan bahawa Musa adalah sama seperti beliau lompat parti sedangkan Musa masuk umno setelah usno(parti asal beliau) dibubarkan? semua ahli Usno termasuk Musa menyertai Umno semasa Umno sebagai parti pembangkang di negeri Sabah.

  16. Jeffrey telah berpindah parti banyak kali bermula dari PBS, PBRS, AKAR, UPKO and PKR.. kini beliau tubuhkan STAR.. malah punca beliau berpindah parti adalah kerana tidak diberikan jawatan dalam parti.

  17. dari PBS ke PBRS.. bila dia gagal mendapatkan jawatan presiden, dia keluar menyertai AKAR. akibat tidak diberikan jawatan presiden dalam AKAR, sekali lagi dia keluar menyertai PBS. ketika dalam PBS, Jeffrey berkeinginan untuk memegang jawatan timbalan presiden, namun gagal. akhirnya beliau keluar lagi dan cuma memasuki pari umno tapi permohonannya ditolak. Jeffrey akhirnya menyertai PKR, tapi seperti biasa, selepas dia gagal dilantik ke jawatan pengerusi PKR negeri, sekali lagi dia keluar..

  18. akhirnya Jeffrey terpaksa menumpang parti STAR dari Sarawak sekaligus membolehkan beliau memegang jawatan pengerusi STAR Sabah. belumpun sampai setahun STAR bertapak di Sabah, beliau sudah berani mengarahkan parti malaya balik ke malaya semata2 untuk memberikan beliau laluan meletakkan calon di semua kerusi di negeri ini..

  19. bukankah perjalanan politik Jeffrey ini cukup untuk menggambarkan sikap tamak beliau? daripada membantu parti Sarawak untuk melebarkan sayap di negeri ini, kenapa JK tidak bergabung saja dengan SAPP?? kenapa perlu beliau umumkan akan bertanding di semua kerusi??


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