
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why is Perkasa picking only on Singapore?

YOURSAY 'The problem with Perkasa is that it wants to aggravate the issue for its own self-interest and our government has no guts to stop it.'

Perkasa wants 3 Singapore diplomats out

your sayThiswayoutplease: Diplomatic missions have their own political sections within their embassies to report on all political matters in their host countries as part of their duties.

Most embassies/high commissions that have the resources would have dispatched their political attaches on the ground for a first-hand account of what transpired during Bersih 3.0.

It's not an issue and should not be raised by the Malaysian authorities.

Odin: Elementary, my dear Watson. The three Singaporeans were at the rally just to look-see, not to participate, but Perkasa is doing this only to earn its keeps.

It's bankrolled by the man who despises Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) and anything to do with Singapore, because he can never go up to LKY's level, nor could he think of how to bring Malaysia to Singapore's level, as he was, and still is, only good at cheating, deceiving and stealing.

LittleGiant: It is really downright degrading that the Umno-BN government could actually encourage Perkasa to carry on with all their antics without any shame.

I am just lost for words. Singapore has already clarified the issue in a dignified manner. We should either accept it or leave it. Why keep dragging the issue and simply damage the good relations with our neighbour?

The problem with Perkasa is that it wants to aggravate the issue for its own self-interest and our government has no guts to stop it.

If Perkasa is so upset with Singapore just because three of its diplomats in Kuala Lumpur were seen at the Bersih rally as observers, then it should also make a huge amount of noise and ask the government to boot out the Indonesian ambassador in retaliation for an unpleasant incident recently in Jakarta where theMalaysian flag was burnt by a group of locals.

Why does Perkasa want to vent its anger only on Singapore? I am sure the government has the answer.

Betalnut: Well, we complain about Indonesians demonstrating in front of the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta.

Now, we have similar thing happening in KL, albeit towards the Singapore High Commission with a different group of clowns, but on an issue already clarified by all parties. What goes around comes around indeed.

By the way, what has "Long Live Malays" got to do with this?

Malaysia ABU: Ibrahim Ali and your pathetic gang, you should do the same to the other embassies as their diplomats may have also sent officers to observe the rally - Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Australia, America, China, UK, etc.

Don't Play-Play: Tell the Singaporeans that the DAP is still a long way from forming a government in Malaysia. Until then, they better keep their distance.

BN is not going to accommodate Singapore PAP's ideology as long as they are still in power.

Not Confused: They really don't get it, do they? The more they come out with these pathetic little statements, the more damage they are doing to BN's re-election.

They are so blinkered in their vision that they really don't have a clue about public perception of their silly little objections.

The last I heard, this was supposed to be a country where freedom of expression was guaranteed in the constitution.

I am a foreigner, but I proudly attended the Bersih 3.0 rally and am proud that I was able to support my many friends who also attended. Perkasa needs to accept this and get over it.

Vijay47: I would imagine that Ibrahim Ali and his mob would dare protest in front of the Singapore High Commission because they know that the Singaporeans would only look at them in disbelief and sneeringly shake their heads.

Since Perkasa claims to be defenders of Islam, the Malays and the Malay rulers, why did they not march to the Indonesian embassy for the recent 'song and dance' protest?

Because they know that the very next minute, the Malaysian embassy in Jakarta will be up in smoke. So much for the Nusantara brotherhood.

By the way, where were our riot squads and their tear gas during all this?

Spinnot: There were many other foreign observers at the Bersih 3.0 rally (including Australian Senator Nick Xenophon), why only picked on the three diplomats from the "little red dot"?

Is it because Singapore has a large Chinese population and you hope to gain some political capital out of this, or is it because you are a bunch of cowards?

Always Fair: "A group of about 50 Indonesians hurled stones and pieces of wood at the Malaysia Hall in Jakarta on Friday, damaging parts of the building and injuring a security guard."

Ibrahim Ali, you are very much needed in Indonesia to protect Malaysia's interest. Bullying Singapore is too easy a job for you. - Malaysiakini

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