Waiting for vital direct-benefit goodies, Sabahans and Sarawakians were again left behind in Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's budget 2013.
The catch however is that the scheme is only applicable in Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) stores in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan.
Najib said 57 more stores will be set up throughout Sabah and Sarawak.
Sabah is the second largest state covering 73,997 sq km while Sarawak is sprawling comprising 124,450 km2.
Najib’s announcement of a “conditional” price uniformity scheme tenable in KR1M store in Sabah and Sarawak is a far cry from the much hoped for relieve from cabotage.
As recently as in August, the Federation of Sabah Manufacturers (FSM) complained that even prices in KR1M stores were 30 per cent higher than the shops in Kuala Lumpur.
The 32-year cabotage policy has been a bane to Sabah and Sarawak where the prices of essentials good are generally higher compared to the peninsular Malaysia due to high cost of delivery and distribution.
Announcing his ‘people friendly budget’ Najib said: “To reduce the costs and prices of goods, the government has introduced various initiatives, including the price uniformity programme, provision of transport subsidy as well as opening Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M).
“For this, the government will allocate RM386 million to ensure the prices of essential goods in Sabah and Sarawak as well as in Labuan are sold at lower prices.
“(This will be done) through the opening of 57 Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) and to bear the cost of delivering products from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan including the interior areas,” said Najib.
No direct benefits
He cited as example the current cost of a gas cylinder in remote Ba’kelalan in Sarawak. A 14kg gas cylinder costs RM70 in Ba’Kelalan.
He cited as example the current cost of a gas cylinder in remote Ba’kelalan in Sarawak. A 14kg gas cylinder costs RM70 in Ba’Kelalan.
“With the price uniformity programme, the cooking gas can be purchased at only RM26.60 per cylinder,” he said.
Najib also announced a discount on ferry charges for those who commute daily by ferry from Labuan to Sabah and Sarawak.
“To reduce the burden of the rakyat who commute daily by ferry from Labuan to Sabah and Sarawak, the government will provide a 50% discount on ferry charges to all passengers.
“Furthermore, 50% discounts will also be provided on ferry charges for commercial vehicles that transport basic essential goods and construction materials to Labuan,” he said.
He added that an efficient public transport system, is crucial for development of the community and that Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad is in the process of expanding its services to provide high quality buses to other locations including Kota Kinabalu.
He also said, the government will allocate RM6 billion in 2013 under the Private Financing Initiatives (PFI 2) to implement various projects and programmes to ensure the well-being of the rakyat and spur the nation’s development.
Among the projects identified include refurbishment and maintenance of schools and health clinics; housing projects; water tank projects; flood mitigation plans and provision of sports facilities.
He said the 1Malaysian Development Berhad Trust will allocate RM300 million to provide education grants and financial assistance to build rumah arau for pre-school students in the interior of Sarawak and 1Malaysia Mobile Clinic and repair houses for the poor and needy.
Najib also announced RM100 million to supply 40,000 water tanks for rainwater harvesting in the interiors of Sabah and Sarawak.
These aside the budget offered nothing specific to directly alleviate the hardship or improve the quality of life for the ordinary Sabahans and Sarawakians.
Nobody is left out. Budget 2013 addresses virtually the full spectrum of stakeholders in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteThe poor will receive the financial assistance and services they deserve, while the middle class are offered some much-needed relief in the form of lower taxes and affordable housing.
DeleteOthers who stand to directly gain from the Budget measures include paddy farmers, individual investors, owners of pre-school and childcare centres, hawkers, Indian students in estates, athletes, entertainers, and school bus operators.
DeleteNajib said the Budget was designed to improve the rakyat’s quality of life, ensure sustainable economic growth, spend prudently and reduce the fiscal deficit. The overall objective, he added, was to prioritise the well-being of the rakyat.
DeleteHopefully Malaysia will reduce the budget deficit and extend spending on welfare and infrastructure projects to bolster domestic demand.
DeleteBR1M 2.0 to cover a payment of RM250 for single unmarried individuals aged 21 and above, earning not more than RM2,000 a month.
DeleteJika kita lihat memang bajet 2013 ini sangat mesra dan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat.
DeleteTahniah kepada Kerajaan BN kerena cuba untuk membantu rakyatnya dengan memberikan tumpuan kepada kepentingan rakyat.
DeletePihak pembangkang pasti tidak suka dengan apa yang cuba diberikan oleh Kerjaan itu. Ini nampak sangat yang mana Pembangkang sekarang sedang dalam kerisauan jika rakyat menyokong kerajaan.
DeleteTeruskanlah menyokong kerajaan yang benar-benar mampu memberikan yang terbaik keapda rakyat. Seperti Kerajaan BN yang mana sebuah parti yang benar-benar mampu melakukan yang terbaik untuk rakyat dan Negara Malaysia.
DeletePRU 13 tidak lama lagi akan diadakan. Maka fikirkan akan apa yang telah diberikan kepada kita oleh kerajaan. Sememangnya kerajaan sekarang ini adalah yang terbaik.
Deletebyk bajet digunakan untuk membantu dan kepentingam rakyat.
DeleteRetired civil servants who had served the Government for at least 25 years will now see their pension raised to a minimum of RM820 per month from the previous RM720.
ReplyDeleteNajib also announced a one-and-half month's bonus for civil servants and a reduction in income tax of one percentage point for the first RM50,000 of chargeable income.
ReplyDeleteThe allocation for next year's budget is RM251.6bil with the fiscal deficit at 4% compared with 2012's deficit of 4.5%.
ReplyDeleteRM1bil fund to be set up to help bumiputra SMEs to increase their equity share in the economy
ReplyDeleteThe Single Mothers Skills Incubator Programme (I-KIT) will be improved to provide advisory services and training for single mothers in entrepreneurship
ReplyDeleteSaya suka bajet 2013 dan saya yakin ramai juga yang happy dengar:)
ReplyDeleteya.. pasti ramai gembira dgn bajet 2013.
DeletePlaing penting kerajaan harus pastikan bajet yang dah kena rancang tu menjadi kenyataan.
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman is expected to announce a bonus for the State's civil servants when he tables the 2013 Sabah Budget, mid next month.
ReplyDeleteSabah Government was prepared to consider the matter and was discussing the same with the relevant officials in drafting the budget.
DeleteMusa said they'll announce the details when he table the Budget later
DeleteMusa described the national budget as proof that the Federal Government cared for the welfare of its people, especially in relation to the RM386 million allocation to standardise the price of goods in Sabah and Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteThe Budget is really good as it has been drafted systematically to provide comfort to Malaysians across the board
ReplyDeleteNo major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteBagi mendokong penglibatan pengusaha swasta dalam pembangunan industri minyak dan gas, pelbagai insentif cukai dan insentif bukan cukai istimewa telah dirangka. Hasil insentif, pelbagai projek pelaburan minyak dan gas bernilai 20 bilion dolar US telah dimulakan termasuk projek Petronas Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development atau Rapid, Terminal Simpanan Minyak dan Gas di Johor, Loji Regasifikasi di Melaka dan terminal minyak serta gas di Sipitang, Sabah.
Sabah tidak dipinggirkan
No major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteBagi sektor perladangan pula, Sabah tentunya akan menerima impak dari peruntukkan sebanyak 432 juta ringgit yang disediakan untuk program penanaman semula pokok kelapa sawit memandangkan Sabah mempunyai kawasan penanaman kelapa sawit terbesar berbanding negeri lain iaitu seluas 1.36 juta hektar daripada 4.69 juta hektar keluasan tanaman di seluruh negara.
Sabah tidak dipinggirkan
No major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteBerkaitan kelestarian jaminan bekalan makanan pada masa akan datang, kawasan jelapang padi sedia ada akan ditambahbaik dengan sistem pengurusan tanamannya secara sistematik. Sebagai tambahan, 4 kawasan jelapang padi baru akan dibuka dan diperluas iaitu di Kota Belud, Batang Lupar, Rompin dan Pekan.
Sabah tidak dipinggirkan
No major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteDi bawah misi "Mewujud Kejiranan Yang Selamat dan Harmoni", Kerajaan akan menambah pemasangan Sistem Kamera Litar Tertutup atau CCTV sebanyak 496 unit di 25 buah Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan di Semenanjung, Sabah dan Sarawak.
No major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteDi bawah Program Transformasi Bandar atau UTP, Kerajaan telah melancarkan 2 Pusat Transformasi Bandar atau UTC iaitu di Melaka dan Kuala Lumpur. Terkini, UTC KL telah menerima purata seramai 4,000 orang sehari. Pelaksanaan UTC akan diperhebatkan dan dilaksanakan secara berperingkat di 6 bandar utama, iaitu Alor Setar, Kuantan, Ipoh, Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu dan Kuching.
No major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteDi luar bandar, Kerajaan telah membuka Pusat Transformasi Luar Bandar atau RTC di Gopeng, Perak dan Wakaf Che Yeh, Kelantan bagi menyediakan sebuah pusat integrasi perkhidmatan meliputi pengumpulan, pemprosesan dan pengedaran hasil pengeluaran pertanian, perbankan dan insurans, khidmat nasihat perniagaan, latihan dan kemahiran, klinik serta ruang niaga. Berdasarkan manfaat yang diterima, Kerajaan akan terus memperluaskan RTC ke Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Sabah dan Sarawak.
No major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteDibawah "Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Masyarakat Orang Asli", Sebanyak Rm100 juta ringgit akan diperuntukkan bagi membekal 40 ribu tangki air menggunakan kaedah tadahan air hujan khususnya di kawasan pedalaman di Sabah dan Sarawak.
No major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteLanjutan daripada kejayaan pengenalan RapidKL dan RapidPenang, Kerajaan akan melancarkan RapidKuantan mulai 1 Disember 2012 bagi menyediakan perkhidmatan pengangkutan bas berkualiti di Kuantan. Syarikat Prasarana juga dalam proses untuk memperluaskan perkhidmatan ini di bandar lain seperti Ipoh, Seremban, Kuching dan Kota Kinabalu.
No major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteDan yang paling penting sekali, kerajaan akan memperuntukkan sebanyak 386 juta ringgit bagi memastikan harga barangan keperluan di Sabah dan Sarawak serta Labuan dijual pada harga yang lebih rendah dan lebih seragam dengan membuka sebanyak 57 buah KR1M dan menanggung kos penghantaran produk dari Semenanjung Malaysia ke Sabah, Sarawak serta Labuan termasuk penghantaran ke kawasan pedalaman. Sebagai contoh di Ba’kalalan, Sarawak, harga gas memasak 14 kg setong dijual pada harga RM70. Dengan program penyeragaman harga, gas memasak tersebut boleh dibeli hanya dengan RM26.60 setong.
No major budget cheer for Sabah, Sarawak???
ReplyDeleteSebagai tambahan, bagi meringankan beban rakyat yang berulang alik menggunakan perkhidmatan feri dari Labuan ke Sabah dan Sarawak, Kerajaan akan memberi diskaun tambang kepada semua penumpang sebanyak 50 peratus. Di samping itu, diskaun sebanyak 50 peratus turut diberi ke atas tambang feri untuk kenderaan komersial yang mengangkut barang keperluan asas dan binaan ke Labuan.