
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 11, 2016

Flabbergasted by BN’s admission on RM1.5b for GE13

YOURSAY | ‘The last election is a fraudulent one and should be deemed null and void.’
Existential Turd: "But definitely, PKR spent more than BN in Selangor and DAP more than BN in Penang; that's why they won the election," said Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron.
I am flabbergasted. It is obvious he doesn't have any proof, but simply mouthing off a wild speculation disguised as logical deduction. That can be construed as defamatory or an outright lie.
Just because BN cannot win without vastly outspending others, they think others are as unprincipled and incompetent as them.
Whether the RM1.5 billion comes from the RM2.6 billion "donation" or not, it ultimately has to come from the taxpayers. Without saying in so many words, he is admitting BN has been buying votes all these years with taxpayers' monies.
Odysseus: With such people in BN, the opposition is never short of ammunition to shoot at BN.
First question is, where did the money come from? Second, is the amount permissible under the election laws? Third, is the Election Commission (EC) going to sit on this quietly and take no action?
Not Convinced: I can answer your third question, Odysseus. Yes, the EC will be sitting quietly and take no action.
After all, its new chief (Mohd Hashim Abdullah) has said there’s nothing wrong with the existing electoral system.
The Observer: Spending RM1.5 billion on GE13 has clearly violated the electoral spending limits. Indeed, if the money didn't come from the RM2.6 billion, where then did it come from?
If you don't know where it came from, then how can you conclude that at least a part of it did not come from the RM2.6 billion when even the PM has said that it was to finance the election?
Commentable: It is clear in my mind that spending such an outrageous sum of money, to the tune of RM1.5 billion on an election, contravenes the election laws.
This point was raised sometime back and here we have an admission from senior Umno members that Najib said so.
Clearly then, BN's victory in the GE13 is unlawful, even to the point that it is derived illegally.
The argument that the money is obtained through donations cannot hold water because even if there are no laws governing political donations, there is certainly legislation governing how much a political party can spend during election time.
A line has been drawn distinctively in a piece of legislation, and Umno-BN has clearly admitted they have stepped over that line.
AntiRacial: So indirectly Idris agreed that BN won the other states by spending huge sums of money?
But I don't think PKR/DAP/PAS won Selangor and Penang by buying votes because BN has more money to spend compared to the opposition parties.
The truth is BN was unable to brainwash voters in these two states even if they spent huge amount of money there.
Truth1: I voted in Penang in GE13. I saw BN flags flying in every corner of George Town. I attended a couple of the many ‘makan-makan’ given by BN.
Given the money that was being thrown around by the BN, you would have thought they would have a clean sweep as DAP (and Pakatan) flags and banners (and feasts) were virtually non-existent.
So, don't bulls**t about Pakatan spending more than BN in Penang. By the way, I voted for DAP on the day. I wasn't offered a single sen for doing so, and I will willingly do it again come the next elections.
Never Mind: The cost alone bringing Psy from South Korea to perform at a pre-GE13 concert is equivalent to all the expenses DAP spent, if I am not wrong.
DAP doesn't have a lot of money to throw around. Even its polling and counting agents are not paid a single sen, whereas MCA are paying their agents.
JD Lovrenciear: The rationale, according to this CM is - the more donations, the more your political success.
So let’s then kiss goodbye to all the need to showcase your abilities and good governance to get votes.
Just pump more money than your opponent and hey presto you win an election. The Americans have a nice word: Christ!
Anonymous 122461436161429: One lie to cover another lie and then another lie and then another. This is Umno.
Whether this man’s lie covers another lie or whether the first one was a lie, we don't care. Thanks for telling us it took billions to fix GE13.
Dalvik: At the rate of their spinning, we should now call them the washing machine. -Mkini

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