
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 11, 2016

The RM1.5b question: Why is EC not taking action?

YOURSAY | ‘It will say they only count votes, and it couldn’t be bothered…’
6th Generation Immigrant: There were a total of 222 parliamentary seats and 576 state assembly seats up for grabs in 2013. Sarawak did not have a state election in 2013, so a total of only 505 seats were contested.
RM1.5 billion ÷ (222 + 505) = approximately RM2 million per seat.
One may even discount seats where MPs shared operational and election facilities with their BN state assemblymen partner hopefuls (after all, the electorates are the same) to cut costs, if one was intelligent enough.
Did this financing not break election laws across the board? And if the money was not local, would foreigners who donated expect big returns from our elected representatives?
Anonymous 403201442802942: There is a limit to how much can be spent and since what was spent was over the limit, BN should be penalised and the election results declared invalid.
Oh Ya?: If what Mukhriz Mahathir said is true, Umno and he had committed serious electoral offences.
They won GE13 and probably GE12 by fraud. Why didn't he report to the Election Commission (EC) and the police? The government would have collapsed, and so would PM Najib Razak.
Wouldn't this have been the most expeditious and democratic way instead of taking former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's ‘Citizens' Declaration’ route?
Why did Mukhriz keep mum and hang on to the illegally elected Kedah MB’s post until he was sacked? Can the rakyat entrust their fate to these hypocrites?
Senior Citizen: Not only this does not add up, a lot of 1MDB deals do not add up. We have heard lie after lie from the PM and his gang.
How do you expect the rakyat to support this PM to continue running this country?
Concern Ctzen: Why is the Election Commission not taking action?
Anonymous_3e79: The PM comes from a family of great legacy wealth, and it would not be unusual that he has put money of his own (not received via a donation) amounting to RM900 million for the sake of his beloved Umno party.
You must not question the generosity and benevolence of a great leader like Najib. Hey, do I qualify to be hired as a pro-Umno blogger?
Bloodsuckers....: Najib, why don't for once you do some maths, and as the finance minister, explain all this to us?
Malaysia Land of Milk and Honey: Mukhriz, you kept quiet all this while and now you mentioned this. How is anyone going to believe you?
Anonymous_1421406986: Yes, Mukhriz had all the time to reveal what he already knew long before this day. Why did he not speak about it then? Why now?
He is definitely no better than his father, who has suddenly risen from a coma to realise his mistakes and decide to become a reformer.
He has to back his father, what more after being a co-signatory of the Citizens' Declaration.
This man is a hypocrite. What can you expect of a man who wishes to spend more quality time with his family than with the humble people in Kedah as their MB, before being sacked?
Donkey Kong: The problem is that we need to support every crook, clown, racist, etc, who intends to get rid of Najib. Principles seem to have been binned.
Anonymous_40f4: The EC will say they only count votes, and it couldn’t be bothered with the amount of money spent at elections or the alleged massive cheating and rigging of votes.
It will also claim that the elections are free and fair, otherwise how come the opposition won three states?
This logic obviously comes from Zimbabwe and North Korea.
Gggg: It’s time for opposition to stop making statements. Who is listening?
Go door to door and explain what's happening to this country and ask the people to vote wisely.
I am so tired out seeing so much corruption, injustice, as well as institutions without backbone. Nothing is going to change until we change the government and reform the system.
Anonymous_1414741862: Don't worry, the usual excuse will come - that this has been done before during the time of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Mahathir. So what’s so wrong with Najib doing the same?
And somehow tonight, the sun will set in the west and rises tomorrow in the east. Life in other words, goes on regardless.
Free Thinker: This is what you get when you lie to cover another lie... at the end of the day, the truth comes out. -Mkini

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