
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

More to the shutting down of TMI than meets the eye?

YOURSAY | ‘The need for good and honest truth-telling journalism always exists.’
The Malaysian Insider to shut down
Mojo Jojo: Many of us who read Malaysiakini are saddened by this news, since we are also readers of The Malaysian Insider (TMI).
Like all things, the curtains will eventually fall, but may divinity bless all members of TMI for the brave work they have all done.
I end this note with a sad phrase by Canio at the end of the opera 'Pagliacci': La comedia e finita!
Anonymous 2398161454293761: I have been reading TMI and Malaysiakini for less than one year, and New Straits Times (NST) as well as The Star for more than three years.
But I learnt much more about the many serious issues afflicting Malaysia from that one year I spent reading TMI and Malaysiakini than the three years I spent reading NST and The Star.
The writing styles and the grammar used in NST and The Star are professional. But in NST you rarely find balanced news and the stories are usually one-sided.
The Star, I am afraid, is in a rather lukewarm position. Both of them seem to serve public officers, not the public (no offence, just my personal opinion).
They remind me of the New Light of Myanmar daily (some people jokingly call it ‘New Lies of Myanmar’).
Abasir: The men and women behind TMI are true patriots who sought to keep alive the torch of hope even as the nation continues to diminish in every way and as darkness descends to provide cover for the crooks.
They have provided a remarkable space for concerned and loyal Malaysians to express their views even as they continue to live in anxiety - helpless in the face of institutionalised racism and state-sponsored thievery.
If the nation survives this darkest of periods, TMI editor-in-chief Jahabar Sadiq and all those who worked to stand up to the rogues will be properly and publicly honoured with pride and gratitude.
StrainingGnats, SwallowCamels: Jahabar and the intrepid team at TMI, if this is the Ides of March, then Malaysians are the collective Caesar and there is a Brutus somewhere; he and his Brutuses. They might have won the battle but not the war.
No riding into the sunset for you. Not yet. Not until Caesar wins. And not even then. The need for good and honest truth-telling journalism always exists.
Brutuses in every age must be confronted. Caesar will prevail by the fair grace of God. See you all in another guise. Soon.
Until then, big thank yous and applause all round. Gracias! This is not goodbye. Not by a long shot.
Sans Prejudice: There is more to this announcement on the sudden shutting down of TMI – ostensibly for 'commercial reasons' - than meets the eye.
Since The Edge was last persecuted last year and the recent banning of TMI, I believe the owners have been pressured into this decision.
So be it. TMI will surely resurrect again and fight the cause of Malaysians.
Thank you Jahabar and his team of brave men and women who kept us informed about what the pliant mainstream media chose to hide from us.
NNFC: Some people will breathe easier tonight. We are definitely sad and hope this decision was not the result of pressures from the powers-that-be. Nevertheless, we shall live and fight for a better Malaysia.
Vijay47: The Malaysian Insider today. Tomorrow?
Journalist are not terrorists, press group says
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: This just shows a government that has gone crazy.
A PM who is running and hiding from the press not for fear of bodily harm, but for fear of questions on 1MDB, his mega donation, the identity of make-believe Arab royalty and ‘mysterious’ RM42 million in his account.
It is a shame that a man of such high position has stoop so low that he has to look out for unfriendly questions.
If the Australian PM were to behave like him, he can kiss his job goodbye, it simply means that he is not fit for the job.
Bumiputhran: The Malaysian police got it confused between what is ‘persistent’ and ‘aggressive’.
Australian journalists are persistent whereas Malaysian police are used to handling timid Malaysian journalists.
Today, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has come out with blazing guns protesting to Malaysia. Let the battle begin.
Ipohcrite: Journalists are not terrorists. They have no track record of physically harming public officials.
But now in Bolehland, we have a prime minister and a government intent on striking terror into the hearts of journalists. So, what do we call this prime minister, then? -Mkini

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