
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 11, 2016

‘Paul Low, enjoy your slumber for we’ve written you off’

YOURSAY | ‘Integrity minister, how can you say you’re not sleeping on your job?’
Unafraid: I want to ask Integrity Minister Paul Low, what has he got to show to the rakyat after close to three years on the job?
Corruption is still rife, especially among the high officials in the corridors of power. Truly power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Malaysia has sunk lower on the global corruption index. Malaysia is now well-known not only for the MH370 and MH17 disasters, but also for the billions of dollars allegedly siphoned off in the 1MDB scandal.
Corruption is systemic in our nation. So, I ask you, Paul Low, how can you say you are not sleeping on your job? Indeed, you have not made any significant difference.
RCZ: The mother of the mother of the mother of all corruption has taken place involving our leaders and fat boys as well as their cronies.
This has affected the banking sector and other institutions, and resulted in the detention and removal of honest men and the integrity minister says he is doing a good job?
Ericlcc: Paul Low reminds me of another minister who is in charge of the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu). Both boast of their achievements, but in the end there are no tangible results.
The best option for Paul Low is to follow the Pemandu chief’s example by lying low. This way nobody will know he even exists.
Dont Just Talk: Paul Low, whether you are in ‘1MDB’ PM Najib Abdul Razak’s cabinet or not, it does not make any difference to ‘Bersih’ Malaysians.
When the moment of truth arrives, everyone could see the person that you are, someone who chose to remain as a backdoor minister without portfolio rather than resigning when your boss was caught with RM2.6 billion in his personal bank account.
Can you name any leader from a developed country who has RM2.6 billion in his personal account?
Kamaapo: The facts on the ground are not favourable. In fact, since your induction into the already bloated cabinet with several superfluous ministers like you, government integrity has allegedly retreated further south.
Harsh laws and severe restrictions against print and social media that touch on government misdeeds have seemingly increased. This is the result of your being so hardworking.
Kit P: The government's efforts on corruption are focused on the small ikan bilis asking for a few hundred ringgit or a few thousand. Fine.
However, the ‘Mother of All Corrupt Sharks’ is untouchable, and a daily bad example to all.
Anonymous 2362021442199789: ‘Akan datang’? Are you saying that we may see changes in our lifetimes or will it be our children's or grandchildren's lifetimes?
At the rate at which you are plodding along, we will all be dead and gone by then.
It will not matter anymore. So, just enjoy your slumber and dream on. You are already written off and forgotten.
Balap: Your performance will be gauged by the end results. Malaysia’s ranking in the transparency index has plunged.
This clearly shows you are either sleeping on the job or worried about losing your job if you were proactive.
Dr Spin: Paul Low said: "...The trend is that we move towards better governance!"
What a ridiculous statement for him to make. Why no charges yet? Can you show even a single example of someone being promoted for fighting corruption? Can you show us a whistleblower who has been protected?
At least, resigning would send a belated signal to those in denial.
Quigonbond: Paul Low, most Malaysians have come to the conclusion that you don't have what it takes to be an integrity minister.
You are not sleeping on the job, you are just busy making personal, moral compromises along the way.
Slumdog: Yes, Paul Low, you are not sleeping but you are comatose, passed out, down for the count and using up valuable oxygen and a wasted space.
There has been no discernible change in the culture, honesty and integrity of Umno-BN ministers since you were appointed a minister.
Mojo Jojo: You may not be sleeping on the job, but it is obvious from your blank and starry-eyed look that you are dreaming on the job.
Otherwise, you wouldn't say that things in Malaysia have changed for the better.
SusahKes: Minister, you are part of the cosmetic scheme that was put in place by the current administration; Botox to hide the ugliness caused by long-term effects of practically unhindered corruption.
But just as when a bad plastic surgery fails and ends up revealing the true condition of its recipient, all the ornaments and beauty products that the administration has put in place has failed to mask its true nature.
Sorry pal, but you were never designed to succeed in the first place.
Paul Low, it's mighty early for this year's April Fool’s joke; unless or course you’re aiming for an advance submission. -Mkini

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