
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bersih's message has already spread beyond stadium

So they did throw in the kitchen sink after all, a very heavy yellow-coloured one, wakakaka.

OK, Bersih will now be held in a stadium but really does it matter, because its point (not just message but its brave stand, its courageous preparedness to stand resolutely against the evil force of a dark storm) has already been made, kau kau if I may add.

I’ve always lamented the stupidity of the police (or more correctly, its boss Hishamuddin) for resorting to use of the sledgehammer to crack mere groundnuts. For example, review past police heavy handed dispersal of candlelight vigils by a few sweeties. What if the police had left those sweeties alone? Would that have made the headlines or a few lines on page 6?

Likewise with Bersih, if the police (and Hisham) had ignored the rally, ask yourself how much impact could it have made, compared to the situation now?

Indeed, the stupidity of Hisham and his police are just unbelievable. By harassing, persecuting and threatening the organizers and supporters of Bersih, a rally as yet to take place, those goons have provided the rally and its organizers with far more credentials, credibility and credit than they could have obtained without the enhancing bullying, internationally too.

But bullies being bullies (like America and Israel), they only know one method, brute force, threats and persecution. They didn't hesitate to use UMNO Youth and scums like Perkasa, silat masters who violated the very ethics of their noble art in threatening Bersih, police, whatnot, to intimidate and harass Bersih. No brain, but the damage to PM Najib is incalculable. Najib should blame his dear cousin.

Yup, Najib, UMNO, the police and alas, Anwar are in the doldrums, shattered by the wake of the storm surrounding Bersih.

Anwar Ibrahim? Why, you may ask?

Poor bloke tried to hijack the Bersih movement (as he did in Bersih I, arriving at the final minute for a grand presidential entrance, though spoilt by the traffic jam which required him to ride pillion on a motorcycle wakakaka), but was abruptly slapped down by Ambiga Sreenevasan.

“Hands off buster” she implied in her cool dismissal of Anwar when he had the brazen cheek to suggest he could call the rally if ....yadda yadda .... Since then, I am glad he hasn’t re-attempted to muddy the Bersih water, but alamak, what loss of face for the world's greatest Reformer.

Ambiga Ambiga, she’s the person of the moment.

Her reputation has been further enhanced by a moronic threat to strip her of her citizenship, and by those goons in blue who are now investigating her bank accounts for possible financial contributions from .... whom? ... perhaps North Korea, Myanmar, Libya, PRC, Peru’s Shining Light, al Qaeda? .... wait, I’ve the perfect contributor ... The Tamil Tigers of course wakakaka.

Don’t be surprised if there should soon arise allegations of her ‘lesbianism’, ‘allegiance’ with Singapore or India, stories of her ‘sordid affairs’, etc.

But f* those goons and their foot soldiers! Question I want to ask is, will MCLM consider her candidature?

I’ll vote for the hot babe anytime.

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