
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, July 5, 2011


  1. Firstly, BERSIH 2.0 committee should be congratulated on their wisdom of accepting the offer to have a gathering in a stadium. An offer which I believe was proposed by the RMP several weeks ago and probably reinforced following Ambiga meeting at the palace. The joke is there is now a precedent where an “outlaw” society is allowed to do a demo legally in Malaysia. This would probably be the first in Malaysia. Whatever it is, people would still be wearing yellow t-shirt to the stadium when they leave their houses i.e. BERSIH will still walk! J LOL

  2. From the onset, BERSIH has been advocating a peaceful walk but BN component parties, “independent MP’s” and “instant noodles” NGO’s has been threatening openly on the use of violence. In fact, the government political leaders has been suggesting and threatening the possibility of violence. Could it be that BN (or maybe Najib) actually wanted the violence and to invoke emergency and instituted control by using MAGERAN? Having such control for an undefined period would be an advantage to BN. It would send the entire opposition politician their political coffin.

  3. When communism theory came out, many laugh. Today, Malaysiakini reported that the police found weapons and BERSIH t-shirts at several locations in Kuala Lumpur, many more laugh in an explosive manner. From what was written, I believe the item was hidden in such a manner for it to be found! There is no motive for BERSIH to do that comparing with groups who had threatened violence. Isn’t there a strong possibility that the whole thing was planted to blame BERSIH? The KL Deputy CPO said that the suspect was using a silver Proton Waja. Isn’t the police working cars (other than patrol cars) are silver Waja? I think he jump into the conclusion bit too early.

  4. There are many ways to hide weapons without being found. For e.g. the easiest would be in vehicles with phony number plates that is parked strategically all over the city hours before the event. Without more evidence, I would say this is set up and based on the picture of the weapons; I believe all the “parang” came from the same shop. As for the T-shirt someone better check the police evidence room to see if all the confiscated T-shirts past week are still there. J

  5. My conclusion is that any violence would not benefit BERSIH either in the short term or the long term and I don’t think they are reviving communism. If there is chaos, the probability is that it is caused by BN because they want it badly!

In your opinion, what could be the probable explanation to the recent findings of weapons in several parts of KL?

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