
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, August 31, 2012


“THE STATE Government has failed Sabah’s founding fathers in failing to commemorate the 49th anniversary of Sabah Independence on 31 August,” said Melvin Jaikul Datuk Imbayan, STAR Keningau Division Vice-Chief while overseeing the preparations for the 49th commemoration by STAR Sabah to be held in Keningau on 31st.

Efforts of Founding Fathers on Independence Not Acknowledged
Sabah’s history and independence cannot and should not be denied by the current State government. Why should the independence of Sabah on 31 August 1963 be relegated to the annals of history and covered up?

The independence of any nation is, one of the proudest and most important, if not, the proudest and most important day in the nation’s history and is openly acknowledged and celebrated together with the nation’s father of independence and founding fathers.

Similarly, the efforts of Bapa Kemerdekaan Sabah, Tun Datu Mustapha Datu Harun, and Tun Fuad Stephens and other founding fathers, who were instrumental in securing Sabah’s independence should not be ignored or belittled.

By failing to commemorate and celebrate Sabah’s independence, the State government has openly failed to acknowledge the efforts of our founding fathers.

State Government Should Commemorate and Celebrate

The independence of Sabah should be openly acknowledged and celebrated. The State government should commemorate and celebrate Sabah Independence Day every 31st August.

It is sad that the State government has failed to acknowledge and commemorate the 49th anniversary of Sabah Independence this year. It is sadder still that none of the BN leaders have voiced their acknowledgement of Sabah’s independence and the efforts of our founding fathers.

Saddest of all, the BN leaders and State government will be celebrating the 55th anniversary of Malaya’s independence on a big scale with the full works for celebrations thrown in including parades and fireworks.

If not for the voices and efforts of the opposition, it would appear that Sabah Independence Day would have been forgotten.

The early Sabah governments have always recognized Sabah Independence Day and have issued commemorative coins to mark Sabah’s independence as can be seen in the attached photo.

The current State government should take affirmative actions to acknowledge Sabah’s independence and put the facts of history right and take any positive action to commemorate or recognize Sabah Independence Day, more so as 1st September 2012 will mark the commencement of the golden jubilee year of Sabah Independence.

As for the people of Sabah, all are invited for the commemoration of the 49th anniversary of Sabah Independence on 31 August at the Keningau Town Padang starting at 7.30 am. On the commemoration, Melvin said that STAR Sabah also wish to thank the relevant authorities in particular the police and the district council for granting the relevant approvals for the various events to be held. - Sabahkini


  1. particularly those who are aware of the destruction that Sandakan suffered during the Second World War, attribute the development and modernisation

  2. Since the 1980s, new business and industrial initiatives such as Harbour Square and Harbour Mall which is complemented by a five-star hotel, Bandar IJM, Bandar Prima and Bandar Lee Tat Jaya, to name a few, besides housing developments have mushroomed in the district, as Chinese Chamber of Commerce Chairman Chia Hock Ak can testify. Sandakan's economy is growing.

  3. kemerdekaan tak perlu dipolitikkan.

  4. ikutlah tarikh yang telah dipersetujui oleh pemimpin2 terdahulu dan telah diguna pakai untuk sekian lama di negara ini.. tidak perlulah STAR cuba mengelirukan rakyat..

  5. jika pembangkang memerintah negara ini, adakah 31 ogos 1963 akan menjadi kemerdekaan untuk MALAYSIA??

    1. pembangkang menjanjikan banyak perubahan jika mereka berjaya menguasai Putrajaya. kita tidak hairan kalau mereka gunakan 31 Ogos 1963 sebagai kemerdekaan Malaysia.

  6. kebiasaan mana2 negara pun, mana2 tarikh yang lebih awal akan digunapakai untuk sambutan kemerdekaan.. sambutan yang julung kali diadakan ini perlu membawa nama negara MALAYSIA bukannya negeri..

  7. dalam banner pembangkang Sabah, tidak ada langsung tarikh kemerdekaan Malaysia.. apa salahnya mereka sertakan sekali kemerdekaan Malaysia dan Sabah meandangkan kedua2nya jatuh pada tarikh yang sama? nampak sangat pembangkang cuba menafikan bahawa Sabah berada dalam Malaysia..

  8. selain hari kemerdekaa, Malaysia juga menyambut Hari Malaysia yang mana tujuannya adalah untuk memperingati kemasukkan Sabah dan Sarawak dalam persekutuan Malaysia, malah sekaligus memperingati kemerdekaan bagi kedua2 wilayah borneo ini melalui penggabungan itu..

  9. Kemerdekaan dan Pembentukan bersama-sama disambut.

  10. Jangan politikkan isu Kemerdekaan. Hari ini harus disambut dengan hati yang gembira.

    1. sambut hari kemerdekaan dengan semangat patriotik yang tinggi bukan dengan semangat berpolitik.

  11. Politicians want greater emphasis placed on Malaysia Day which is celebrated on Sept 16 to mark the formation of Malaysia when Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined the federation of Tanah Melayu in 1963.

  12. Many of them hoped the present low-key Malaysia Day celebration, would be rejoiced on an equal, if not bigger scale than Merdeka Day.

  13. At the moment, maybe more emphasis is placed of Merdeka Day as it is the beginning of everything but steps were certainly being taken to give Malaysia Day greater signifiance.

  14. Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Idris Haron opined that as both Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day were important days, they should be celebrated on even par.

  15. Ten years ago Sept 16 was just another day. Now, it is a recognised public holiday as it marks Sabah and Sarawak's entry into Malaysia.

  16. Malaysia Day will be celebrated just like Merdeka Day in the near future in the spirit of 1Malaysia. Things cannot happen overnight. It may take time.

  17. MIC Putera Coordinator and Central Working Committee member P. Kamalanathan said both Merdeka Day and Malaysia day were equally important as one was about independence of our nation and the other was about the birth of the nation.

  18. Malaysia Day is an occasion we remember as the moment our nation was formed.

  19. This is the day Malaysia was born as a country not by war and conquest but by mutual and consensual agreement among East Malaysian states and the Peninsula to intertwine our destinies for a bright future for all.

  20. Both have their own historical values and ideally, should be given equal importance and attention.

  21. Meanwhile, MCA vice-president Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai said the government was already giving Malaysia Day the recognition it deserved.

  22. Malaysia Day is a day which strengthened Malaysians. For me, it should not be a matter of whether both Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day are celebrated on an equal scale, but rather it was about celebrating them in its own unique way. It was up to your interpretation.

  23. The government looked at Malaysia Day seriously and gave it the recognition it deserved.

  24. Malaysia Day is important as it was the day to celebrate the formation of the country. Malaysia is nothing without Sabah and Sarawak. As such, both the East Malaysia and Peninsula should be viewed equally.

  25. Malaysia Day is important as it was the day to celebrate the formation of the country. Malaysia is nothing without Sabah and Sarawak. As such, both the East Malaysia and Peninsula should be viewed equally.


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