Lab tests to be done to prove there's no plastic inside as claimed by disreputable and hostile individuals.
PETALING JAYA: Biscuits and confectionaries maker Hup Seng have been forced to come to the defence of their popular Ping Pong brand of Special Cream Crackers after an Internet video claimed the crackers contained plastic and could be set ablaze.
In a statement posted on the company’s official Facebook page, Hup Seng explained that all flour and oil related food products would combust or burn but that it had no direct correlation or effect on food safety.
The company said video clips were being circulated online “by disreputable and hostile individuals intended to tarnish the company’s product image and reputation”.
In a recent video on YouTube, a man claimed that the crackers contained plastic because he was able to set fire to the crackers.
Hup Seng said that the company had submitted Hup Seng Ping Pong Special Cream Crackers for laboratory tests for plasticizers and obtained proof that plasticizers were not detected.
“Recently, we have sent our Special Cream Crackers for lab test on plasticizers again and we will announce the results as soon as we obtain them,” the company said.
Logic !!!! wear is the Intelligence ???