
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 21, 2023


 First here is some silly news. 

  • 4,000 shipping containers stranded at Port Klang 
  • following madani decision to prohibit Israel shipping company ZIM  
  • madani announced decision to block ZIM from docking at M'sian ports 
  • madani confident decision would not adversely affect M'sia’s trade 
  • Anthony Loke said ZIM should arrange for containers to be removed
  • It’s their responsibility because they cannot enter M'sian ports
  • containers were transshipment cargo managed by ZIM
  • madani also prohibited ships displaying Israel flag from docking 
  • ships heading for Israel prohibited from loading cargo at M'sian ports

My Comments :

I am really not surprised at the antics of this gomen. Obviously Anthony Loke despite being a minister (of transport) does not understand force majeure.

Force majeure is a clause that is included in contracts to remove liability for unforeseeable and unavoidable catastrophes that interrupt the expected course of events and prevent participants from fulfilling obligations. These clauses generally cover natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes, as well as human actions, such as armed conflict and man-made diseases.

For those who are English-challenged here is a shorter definiton,  :  unforeseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract

I can assure you these would be standard clauses in shipping contracts because ships sail through all sorts of troubled waters around the world. Including now in Malaysia.

Why should that ZIM company suffer expenses to find alternative means to clear cargo that does not belong to them, from a port from which they have been banned? The cargo owners will now have to sort it out. 

There will certainly be marine insurance and possibly the insurance company will help sort things out. Otherwise the insurers may have to settle massive claims from the cargo owners who took out the marine insurance. 

To make a long story short our country has just created a ton of bullshit and millions in losses for so many, many people. Why are you all so stupid? 

Even if you want to ban them, why didnt you ask the SPM qualified shipping clerk at Port Kelang "Woi Mat, itu Yahudi punya shipping company ada berapa container dia taruh kat sini". Mat will tell you in an instant if there are 4,000 or 40,000 containers. Why didnt you check first? Then give them a month or two to clear the containers first.

Now my dear readers, this news has gone around the world. CNN has picked it up. 

In Iran, the Iranian State controlled media have created FAKE NEWS that Malaysia has closed the entire Straits of Malacca to all Israeli shipping   !!  

This is all very, very bad publicity for Malaysia. 

And the YouTubers have also picked it up.  We should be grateful to Singapore YouTube channel Defense Politics Asia who has taken the trouble to point out the Iranian FAKE NEWS that Malaysia has closed down the Straits of Malacca to all Israeli shipping.

If you are interested in the video you can click here yourself :


Folks Malaysia is a small insignificant country with a relatively small role in the world. And we are getting smaller. Our leaders are also generally of the LOT variety. (Not the 'prophet', no pun intended). But somehow the village boys think they are god's gift to mankind.  

Malaysia is like the Titanic with an "Islamic" twist. Everyone is shouting AllahuAkbar, hugging and kissing their "Mozlem" brethren while the ship is sailing firmly towards the edge of the oceans. And then it is going to fall off. These are flat earthers.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT

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