KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 22 — The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) today urged the public to stand together in the face of “mischievous” attempts to sow division.

In a statement today, the non-profit interfaith organisation said it is important to foster a united society that not only tolerates, but also actively celebrates differences.


“Racial, religious and cultural diversity will always be our pillar of our strength. Together we must continue to uphold it and not play up to the disruptive tune of those with mischievous ambitions to distract and divide us.

“In fact, it is long overdue that we move on from mere tolerance to celebrating our unique differences,” the statement said.

MCCBCHST also said that personal belief in God is a private matter and should not prevent individuals from finding joy when citizens of different faiths celebrate a day that carries significance in their religious beliefs.

It said a content and prosperous nation is characterised by citizens who are united, living with honour, confidence, and dignity.

This, MCCBCHST said, can be achieved through inclusive, stable, and trusted leadership that treats every citizen justly and fairly.

“MCCBCHST, therefore, prays that Malaysia remains blessed with peace, harmony and prosperity. Merry Christmas!” it said. - malaymail