
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, December 25, 2023


 Here is YouTuber Tom Nash with his take on the current situation in the Middle East:


Well some of the points are ok but I dont agree with plenty.

If you have to fight for the survival of your country and your people, like the Russians did in the Second World War, the Vietnamese did during the Vietnam War and the Israelis did from 1948 until now, it does not matter how rich or how poor you are. You have to fight for your survival. If you dont fight you will be wiped out.

But when your ambition is just to become a world power or a regional power or even just a show off power then you must have a serious sized economy, you have to be an industrial power  and you must be technologically super competent.

Iran has a population of 90 million people. That is a huge population. Enough to fight 'human wave' wars like they did against Iraq in the 1980s. The Ayatollahs just sent hundreds of thousands of other peoples' young sons to get slaughtered on the battlefields.  They may be prepared to do it again.

But the GDP of Iran is "only" about US$388 Billion. Their per capita GDP is around US$5400. That is a Third World economy.

In comparison the GDP of Malaysia  at US$406 Billion  is more than the GDP of Iran. Malaysia's per capita GDP is around US$12,000 - more than twice the Iranian per capita GDP.  Which is why you see so many Iranians looking to survive in Malaysia

In comparison the GDP of Israel is about US$564 Billion. With a population of just over 9.0 million people their per capita GDP is about US$58,000 (the 13th highest in the world). That is not a Third World GDP at all. And Israel is a military superpower. They are industrially and technologically super competent.

The Iranians have developed some technologies but they are far from cutting edge. And there is no way the Iranians can go one-to-one against the US, Britain or Israel. And there is no way the Iranians can go against the combined forces of  the US, Britain, Israel and the West.  The Iranians are not even a regional power. This is a Third World hack-job (hack job - a task that was completed as quickly or cheaply as possible at the expense of quality and attention to detail).

Plus the Ayatollahs have absolutely no claims to even an inch of territory outside Iran. They have absolutely no claim to any land (or Iranian population) outside Iran's borders (to justify any military or expansionary foreign policy to the Iranian people). 

And Iran faces absolutely no military or economic threats from anyone.  None of Iran's neighbours lay claim to any Iranian territory or threaten Iran in any way. The cruel Shah of Iran was overthrown 44 years ago in 1979 and the Shahs are not coming back.

So Iran faces no threats. Which is why the Ayatollahs have to use proxies to fight useless wars in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen, in Gaza, in Iraq. Because what claims can Iran possibly have to justify sending its soldiers into Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Gaza or Iraq? There are absolutely none.

So why do the Ayatollahs fight these proxy wars? The short answer - they are totally, completely and fully stupid. These are a really stupid people. 

They actually believe that an eight year old "imam" who disappeared into a cave or a well 1,082 years ago (in 941 AD) will one day return as the Mahdi to lead the Shias to glory. Here is something from Harvard University:



The Hidden Imam and the End of Time -  A Primer on the Mahdi, Shiah Theology, and Global Politics, Harvard University

For Twelver Shi’as the Twelfth Imam and Mahdi, went into major occultation in 941 CE and is believed to be alive yet concealed since then. Millions of Shias pray daily for his emergence as a savior and guide for all of humanity  -   this  doctrine rests at the heart of their beliefs.

This doctrine rests at the heart of the Ayatollahs justification for their entire existence. 

So can you imagine how fragile is your position in this world when your entire raison d'etre (the purpose or reason for your living) is some screwed up whacko story about an eight year old imam disappearing into some cave 1,082 years ago and that this eight year old kid will one day pop out and say 'Surprise I'm still here' ! Its almost as bad as believing in magical flying horses zipping through the night sky.

Here is something else - I am quite sure that the Ayatollahs do not believe in this whacko story anymore. Eight year old boy still alive inside some cave for the past 1,082 years?? 

But  when you are a scammer, isnt this a fantastic storyline with which to scam the "believers"? It is almost as dumb as believing in magical flying horses  zipping through the night sky.  

And they are going to use this third grade comic script as the basis of their "standing up" against the rest of the world that DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THIS CRAP. 

They just dont stand any chance.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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