
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, December 1, 2023

YOURSAY | RM100m compensation is baffling


YOURSAY | ‘Are Umno MPs that wealthy?'

BN MPs have to pay RM100m if they defect - Asyraf

Mazhilamani: This is a very interesting proposal by Umno secretary-general Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki.

May I ask if former housing and local government minister Zuraida Kamaruddin had settled the money to PKR?

Zuraida had gone to the Court of Appeal to quash a ruling for her to pay RM10 million to the party for defecting after clinching the Ampang seat for the third time in the 14th general election (GE14).

I sometimes wonder, if our politicians are educated enough to speak right.

It is fair that Umno MPs have to relinquish their membership with Umno if they defect.

But to pay a compensation of RM100 million is both baffling and unbelievable.

Had Asyraf spoken about RM20 million compensation, it would still be a fair deterrent.

The opposition cannot afford to pay RM40 million to force them to switch parties.

That is, RM20 million for compensation and RM20 million for new allegiance.

RM100 million is an unexpected and unwanted exposure.

Asyraf has given away that Umno MPs are loaded beyond excess. Now wait for the opposition to ride on this.

PMB: Firstly, Asyraf, a party/coalition that fines its members for leaving - is never heard of in the whole world.

This shows that the party is undemocratic. You are simply showing yourself to be autocratic and resorting to unethical practices out of desperation.

Secondly, you are showing your party leadership is scared of losing your MPs because you are unable to inspire their loyalty and keep them.

Thirdly, because of the above, who really will follow you? At the most you will keep your MPs until the next GE, then you will lose them all because no one will vote for your party/coalition.

Fourthly, if BN MPs are smart, they will abandon ship en masse before they lose their seats for good, trigger by-elections and contest the RM10 million fine in court.

The anti-hopping law says nothing of a fine. Zuraida's case is different because there was no anti-hopping bill at that time.

So, Asyraf, don't be too sure and don't get comfortable. BN's end is quite near!

Coward: Here is the difference between PKR's suit against Zuraida and Umno's contract - the amount.

Umno's amount is RM100 million while PKR's is RM10 million.

The justification given by the court is RM10 million is reasonable given the cost spent on the election for her and deterrence value.

In Umno's case, if it goes to court, RM100 million might be ruled excessive, opening the door for a reduction.

Monty: How interesting that they can up with this RM100 million fine (for defection).

This clearly shows that these MPs have been milking the rakyat well beyond the common man’s wildest dreams.

We had enough of this nonsense. Parliament must act to restore the integrity of its members.

Those who jump ship must simply vacate their seats and re-contest. Or they should sit quietly as independents.

HoyoHoyo: A party of thieves needs hefty penalties to prevent runaway MPs.

Such contracts are unusual in other Western democracies.

Umno knows their politicians are in highly profitable positions of ministerial power.

Asyraf should get runaways to return all their stolen loots from corrupt practices.

Their penalties will exceed RM100 million.

Observer from Space: Any elected MP who jumps must be terminated and barred from being an MP for five years.

This is to compensate for the costs incurred during elections. We should have MPs who are committed to the course; serving the rakyat, being the voice of the rakyat and acting as honest politicians.

They should not be in for the perks, pension and payments.

FocusApp: Indirectly, he is saying that anything less than RM100 million is not a deterrent and punitive.

Switching allegiance could “cost” the rakyat that much for change. That's the price for one MP.

Never knew a few MPs could cause a shortfall. He is also hinting that money politics rule at the end of the day.

But where's MACC? Don't forget Umno is descending into irrelevance.

Ra1965: RM100 million or RM200 million is not a big deal. If they quit your party, it will take years for you to sue them.

By the time the next general election is over, they will join your party again.

HJ Angus: There's a big difference between RM10 million and RM100 million.

So the party is all about money and not principles?

It just makes politics the game for only the rich.

I think even RM10 million is too much; maybe RM2 million may be justified as the party has spent money on your campaign.

MouMou: All these clearly show most Asian politicians are in politics for money.

They neither have values nor principles. Westerners usually just leave the party if they have any issues.

But Asians will go to the other side to backstab. It is disgusting.

But I must admit, with principles, you go nowhere in our society. Backstabbing and sucking up pays dividends. - Mkini

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