
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Aziz: 'Blue-eyed boy' Samsuri shouldn't fool Malaysians that PAS is moderate


DAP’s Abdul Aziz Bari has warned Malaysians not to be taken in by the ‘moderate face’ of PAS vice-president Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar who said his party is a relevant party for all races.

The Tebing Tinggi assemblyperson told Malaysiakini that he believes PAS is trying to push Samsuri as damage control to the extremist image it has under current president Abdul Hadi Awang.

“He has no idea how previous PAS leaders dealt with the Malaysian landscape. Hadi is a disgrace compared to illustrious PAS leaders of the past who understood the multicultural nature of Malaysia.

“Instead of embracing this, Hadi has chosen extremism and a racist approach, even trying to blame non-Muslims for corruption. Under Hadi, the true character of PAS is to make use of religion for narrow political gains.

“Samsuri seems to be oblivious to this fact, and he’s Hadi’s blue-eyed boy,” claimed Aziz (above).

Yesterday, Samsuri, who is also the Terengganu menteri besar, said PAS is not an extremist party, akin to the Taliban, nor is it a “village” party.

Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar

On the contrary, he said the Islamist party understands the structure of the society that encompasses multiple races and religions.

Aziz said this was simply not true.

“PAS merely pays lip service to multicultural Malaysia, the party doesn’t have a clear idea, and its agenda only focuses on one group.

“In short, PAS at present has become a racist and right-wing organisation like Umno after it fared poorly in the 2008 general election.

“Today’s PAS is an opportunist and would be willing to stab friends from behind for its political interests, and we saw how PAS was willing to be the lackey of Umno and destroy Pakatan Rakyat in 2015,” he said.

Hadi’s manipulation

PAS’ split with Pakatan Rakyat came after the death of its former spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat when Hadi and his supporters took firm control of the party.

It also led to a split after the party’s progressive wing left to form Amanah under the leadership of Mohamad Sabu.

“When PAS joined BN in the aftermath of the 1969 general election, national stability was paramount.

“Hadi is nowhere near the vision of the then PAS leader Asri Muda. He’s also unlike Nik Aziz who’s ascetic and spiritual.

“He is also nowhere compared to another PAS president, Fadzil Noor, who was the opposition leader in Parliament after the 1999 general election.

“His (Fadzil’s) discipline and attendance in Parliament were exemplary, unlike Hadi who skipped parliamentary sittings at will.

“Hadi’s only strength is the ability to manipulate Islamic religion to suit his narrow political ambition,” said Aziz, who warned Malaysians not to be taken in by PAS’s attempts to portray a benevolent image.

“Let’s not forget the edict which Hadi preached in the past that those who disagreed with PAS are infidels and enemies of Islam.” - Mkini

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