
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grow up-lah, Khairy and Nazri — Othman Wahab

Poor Khairy Jamaluddin and Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz. They must constantly prove that they have some worth to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

In Nazri’s case, he has to show Najib that, despite his lifestyle of the very rich and famous, he is of some value to the prime minister as his attack dog.

Someone who can be counted on to protect the PM’s back. Nazri wants to remain as a Cabinet minister so he needs to be thuggish.

Remember his challenge to lawyer Karpal Singh over the latter’s dare to bring the suspension of four MP’s to the court.

Nazri argued that Karpal was stupid because he did not know the law .

Actually, it was Nazri who was wrong because the courts in the Perak power grab overturned long established precedent and the constitution which stated that courts cannot inquire into legislative assembly.

I suppose Nazri forgot that the law had been turned on its head.

As for Khairy, he is even more desperate to be accepted by Najib.

He would like Malaysians to believe that he has changed and is a bit of a reformer.

But his first goal is to be embraced by Najib, because despite what he says, he must covet a position in the Cabinet.

It is tough because Umno politicians, especially Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, have not forgotten of the destructive role played by him and his father-in-law in Barisan Nasional’s poor election results in 2008.

Oh, he says he wants to take a break from politics, etc but there has been no clamour for him to stay back.

In fact, Utusan Malaysia — the party’s mouthpiece — basically wished him good riddance.

I don’t believe he has given up hope of being rewarded with a position. That is why he issued that ridiculous challenge to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Basically, what happened was that Anwar challenged Najib to a debate on the economy.

And both Nazri and Khairy offered themselves as debaters, with Khairy showing that his so-called makeover is iffy by saying that Anwar was not on the same level with Najib.

So, by extension, is Khairy saying that he is on the same level as Anwar?

So, it looks like the arrogance has not been lost in the great makeover. He still believes in his own “greatness”.

I suppose a leopard can’t really change its spots.

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