
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, March 1, 2011

BN cranks up Malay racism, BTN roped in at Merlimau

National Civics Bureau (BTN) has joined the campaign trail in the Merlimau by-election, organising up to three talks per day starting last Sunday.

According to a list posted on the BN Federal Territory operations room, the talks take place in private residences across the constituency and those interested can call the hosts whose number is listed.

One of the 'talks' however, was held at a nondescript stall at a popular food court in Merlimau, but instead of a ceramah, Malaysiakini found that a DVD was played.

The 'audience' was made up of less than 10 Malay young men, one of whom was wearing a Perkasa Melaka t-shirt, who claimed to be from a neighbourhood about 100 metres from there.

They were all made to fill up a sheet with their details, which a staff member at the stall later gave to a couple of men waiting at a neighbouring stall.

DAP anti-Malay and Islam

The DVD, about 40 minutes long, details how DAP is a threat to Malays and Muslims, and concludes that the party's aim is to abolish Article 3 (which pertains to Islam), Article 152 (which pertains to Bahasa Malaysia) and Article 153 (pertaining to the special position of Malays and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak).

To prove this, the video, which does not at any time display a BTN logo, rehashes allegations against DAP leaders including Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and Selangor exco member Teresa Kok.

The 'show' which was narrated in Bahasa Malaysia, noted how DAP representatives have acted against Islam while in office.

While showing a photograph of Kok in a knee length skirt, it alleged that the Seputeh assemblyperson had sought for the broadcast of the azan to be turned off in her constituency.

"Lihatlah, Teresa Kok memakai skirt pendek semasa menziarah masjid (See, Teresa Kok is wearing a short skirt when visiting a mosque)" it said, following on with photos of Serdang parliamentarian Teo Nie Ching speaking in a surau.

Teo had gotten in trouble for allegedly giving a 'tazkirah' in the surau, while wearing a 'tight kebaya' and not covering her hair.

'Penang gov't makes Malays suffer'

Lim, on the other hand, was accused of going all out to destroy the livelihood of Malays in Penang.

"Pemimpin persatuan peniaga bumiputera di Pulau Pinang terpaksa melutut untuk merayu Lim Guan Eng supaya tak merobohkan gerainya. Perlukah kita merayu di negeri sendiri? (The leader of the Bumiputera traders association in Penang had to go on his knees to beg Lim Guan Eng from destroying his stall. Must we beg in our own country?) " the narrator asked.

As if answering PAS' accusation that BN is perpetuating a dynasty in Merlimau by choosing a member of a prominent local Umno family, the video pointed out the two father-son combos in DAP.

Stalwarts Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh were accused of supporting nepotism by sponsoring their sons Guan Eng and Gobind Singh Deo in their political careers.

The dynasty argument was also stretched to link DAP to Singapore's People's Action Party (PAP), which is now led by founder Lee Kuan Yew's son Hsien Loong.

Pushing the case further, a photo of an anti-Malayan Union rally was displayed while the narrator asked if the viewer is willing to gamble what his or her forerunners have fought for by aligning themselves with the said Singapore-linked DAP.

Is it really BTN?

Stall owner Salmah Embee said that she was roped in because her husband has links to the BN operation room.

"I don't really know what they do as I was cooking in the kitchen. They needed a venue and I thought the people who come may want to order something, so it would be good for business," she said.

She, however, could not say whether BTN or BN has paid a fee to use her business premises.

"That is being handled by my husband," she said.

Malaysiakini contacted BTN this morning for comment but was told that today is their new director's first day and was advised to speak to the deputy directors, who were at that point in a meeting.

At least five other phone calls at different times of the day were, however, unanswered.

- Malaysiakini

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