
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, March 27, 2011

of "Masters" and "ungrateful" mongrels....

All's not quiet in the home-front ! But for once I must agree, the Minister in the PM's department Nazri Aziz is right, I "sokong" ! His warning to all BN component parties "black-mailing" UMNO is timely. After all does UMNO actually need these"rent seeking" excess baggages like shameless MCA, MIC, PPP, Gerakan and PBB to win elections ? Of course not ! Tell them to go to Hades !

These lapdogs leaders and Napoleons of the BN component parties are nothing but mere
!"pendatangs and pariahs" who suck-up to their"Master" UMNO for personal gratification and wealth. Finally Nazri has realised how much it costs to "maintain" these high living and expensive bitching "neglected wives" and warns with"divorce" proceedings ! ( read here )

UMNO does not need them....just cut these mongrels loose and UMNO can go alone with a little help from the champion of
"ketuanan Melayu"Perkasa ( though I hear that Ibrahim Ali is also holding Nazri at ransom ( see here), and emotional support from the old and irrelevant ex-premier and Nazri's former boss Tun Mahathir. Surely these 2 will come out to give their lives to save UMNO ( maybe not Nazri personally but UMNO) which is the God-sent party to rule the Malays and us"pendatangs" who are "squatting" in this country we call home !

Kick out the component parties Nazri, I
"sokong"you 100% and YOU don't need these "ungrateful"bitching wives to run this country that belongs only to the Malays. Who needs spineless parasites like MIC, MCA, PPP, Gerakan and PBB ? All you need is Najib's instant magic formula, the"1Malaysia" charm to win hearts !

By the way I hope you also close down the Chinese newspapers that
"misquoted" you again and you don't have to apologise to anyone, period ! You are their MASTER, remember ? So screw them all....or ask them to take the next "tongkang" or"rajula" back to China or India respectively !

Yes, "Massa" Nazri, way to go !

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