A lot of reports are published in the MSMedia these days about the negative or rather negative side effects of Facebook and other social media network on generation Y and Z.
They range from being social misfits in real life not having any social skills when in a real group to just plain insecure attention seekers to those perasan or vain-pot narcissist.
The funny thing about such reports in the NEWSPAPERS, the PRINTED EDITION is, it does not reach those they are trying to address. Those who are 24 by 7 online or rather longer online than paying attention in school or work!!! These FBs will not know the dangers because they most likely won't bother with the sociological side of social networks.
All they want is probably to get more likes, have more fans than Justin Bieber and look prettier than the next door cat or want to be forever connected to their friends live each micro nano second of their lives than to know they actually live in a house with real people waiting for them to come down to meal or wash their shoes or even throw out the thrash. A friend even complained her kids will take care of the virtual animals than take the dog out for walks!!!
There is concern of FB being linked to psychological disorder in kids as this report suggests. Of course kids being kids will deny they are cuckoo as being teens we often think our parents are OTC - otak tak centre when we don't get our ways right? Good test is to remove all their gizmo and see how they begin to fret after 1 minute! But is it only confined to gen Y and Z? Are kids only addicted to their gizmos?
It is not only generation y and z that are wired in FB. Even generation X are finding new life. Hot 40 FB for those 40 years who call themselves young at heart and not bothered about if their youth has faded! Hello is that for real? How many of these 40 yr old fuddles will post their real pix sans the make up and below their chin for the rest of their fans to see huh? And why plan a get together like months ahead? Oh to allow them to go for some uplift and beauty and slimming regime most probably before the meetup, no?
Social media is not to be blamed for creating perasan hey I look cool and sexy and someone who is a Just Be, a half of the real Justin Bieber. Each of us wants to look his/her best and it's a lie if anyone tells you they don't bother about their looks or their body profile. If that is the case the so called beauty consultants and the personal grooming consultants should just fold up right?
But social media does make us individualistic and lonely in a cyberworld. We used to think we are lonely in crowded downtown KL with millions of migrants these days around us. And social media used to tout itself as making one more sociable. Really? Look around and you see many wired to their electronic cigarette dispensing cyber nicotine 'fag' gizmos, their bberry, iPod, iPad and it's not an irony such gizmos are all 'i' in front because it focuses on the 'I' the ME - I am the centre of everything. And I am connected to my virtual world and community. The people around me are just a distraction blocking my walk path we can supposed.
Even drivers are glued to their mobile devices! If you see a car in front of you swaying and slow, you can bet the fello is using the mobile, either reading or texting! The car manufacturer who invents a mobile device auto drive switch button will be the one selling the most cars!!!
They say that it is not reaching the destination that is important. But the journey along the way and the pit stops we make are the memorable ones. Social media takes away appreciating the world around us. We used to peek outside the window to check the weather. Now, it's on the screen.
We used to ask for directions and meet interesting people and places. Now it's the GPS on the screen.
We used to sing with frens while walking and get a good laugh. Now we plug our ears with earphones.
These days, social media or SM is letting us see our real world less. It's odd we are all spending a huge lot to get 3D experience like watching NATGEO HD when we could step out and smell the flowers!!!
When radio was launched, it was taught to be a good social bonding for families as they would sit around the living room and listened. Next came the idiot box. Then atari and the computer games revolution. And as technology progresses, we found ourselves wired to the gizmos than connect with the real people in our lives.
Perseverance in jogging, the mental discipline and mental torture go that extra mile is no more a challenge when the walkman and iPod took away the boredom and made exercise like taking a walk in the park! Unplug the earphones or switched off the tv screen and you can see the torturous faces of the people in the gym? Wrong assumption try and jog without the music or tv and see if you really sweat to take that 3 minute jog huh?
SB and all the 'i' centric gizmos are here to stay. Is it a fad like the walkman or pong game or mario brothers? It's angry bird these days and funny the RSPCA are awfully calm and quiet using birds to destroy, destroy, destroy. One day if a kid uses the cat, or dog or polly the bird as a rolling ball, who do we blame, angry bird?
We are still trying to find ways to balance this SM obsession. It leads to compulsive behaviour disorder some say and there is so much truth. Look around us especially in a lift each morning in office. You have someone checking on their mobile, to read a new message or probably go over a sweet nothing archive ones!
It used to be gurls will check their make up and gincu before they sit down to eat or meet and before they leave the table. These days, the mobile gizmo is the first and last act at the table, right?
Men used to check their watches, now they do just like what the gurl does with her device, true, hah?
m I also one of the guilty ones? Yes and no. Yes as catching up on news on the screen having meals alone replaces the hardcopy! Blogging on the go? No because still generation X who prefers a hard keyboard and at least a 12 inchi and 12pt font at least to see what I'm typing!
Connect to FB? Used to but then you get tired of people posting in their wall the same ole boring stuff. If they are not commenting on themselves they are commenting on others. So deleted all those like sites and left with about 12 fans on my FB. The narcissism part is posting the pictures taken on photo hobby shoot! 'Why don't you sell your pix and make some money,' friends would urge. Too lazy.
Has FB made my life richer? Frankly no because noone ordered my pix hah which is not the intention to post but to let friends give me some 'likes' encouragement. 'Why don't you open your comments to everyone so you can improve?' is a wise request. But then, it may stop me enjoying my photography and the negative comments may cause me to stop photography!!!
Therein lies the insecure me which SM is unable to help, simply because just as much as it allows me to inflate my ego, it also protects me from getting deflated! So it's kinda true SM makes us narcissist hah! But, aren't adults just as vp, vain-pot narcissist than the kids on FB? The adults do that in their gyms while kids on their FBs. What's the difference?
There are those who need the fans in FB to give them that 'caffeine' perk each time they wake up. Even blackberry and all those telco services are encouraging us to merge our lives with their electronic devices with FB postings or bb postings like 'What is the first thing you do with your bberry when you awake or what is the first word you type.'
Given we all seem to have a mobile, we wonder why are there so many telephone booths in the middle of walkways around town? We spend thousands to erect these redundant boxes to cater for migrants to call home huh? Or for ahlongs adverts as well as other dubious nocturnal services huh?
The irony is we are willing or rather some don't mind spending so much on their telco bills but lazy to pay for their utilities or compound fines or spare a dime for the poor! Though we must admit SM can be powerful tool to raise fund like the thousands of pounds for our poor Ashraf who is now a world celebrity and got even more YouTube hits than 1Malaysia and so so so much richer than any student if the thousands of pounds collected he wants it. Let's hope he donates it to other victims, no?
Some may think these telco SMs are rather nice interesting ways to keep themselves relevant, more often than not, they are just subtle ways of collecting information about your behaviour!!!
Nothing is free in this world! Even good fresh air and surrounding you pay millions for that space and view. Check out the real property brochure and you get the drift!
So too FB and SM sites. Even knowing FB exposes your contact phones in FB itself is worrying for the unsuspecting. We all rush to say yes to all their queries because we want to get to use the apps right? And in the process sacrifice our privacy!!!
Which SM sites do i love best? For nothing to do and pictures, FB. For pictures Flickr if only they don't charge beyond the free pix. For real good professional community Linkedin and the mother of all blog search engines Technorati. And food tips, Foursquare. And that is about all the wired world in my SM space which is actually too many. Is that too many to turn me into a perasan vain-pot?
Being more a tactile and visceral human, would rather face a book than Facebook, meet real blokes than blog, and go out and snap pictures than flikr over someone's else! Go live life out there then you can blog or FB about it hah! But spare us the minute by minute details of your ingrown toe nail while sitting on the throne or that you are bored or life suck! If the real life is so boring, cyberworld is just another blackhole of boredom and loneliness when you don't get a ping from your zillion friends rite? - YAHMEH!!!
They range from being social misfits in real life not having any social skills when in a real group to just plain insecure attention seekers to those perasan or vain-pot narcissist.
The funny thing about such reports in the NEWSPAPERS, the PRINTED EDITION is, it does not reach those they are trying to address. Those who are 24 by 7 online or rather longer online than paying attention in school or work!!! These FBs will not know the dangers because they most likely won't bother with the sociological side of social networks.
All they want is probably to get more likes, have more fans than Justin Bieber and look prettier than the next door cat or want to be forever connected to their friends live each micro nano second of their lives than to know they actually live in a house with real people waiting for them to come down to meal or wash their shoes or even throw out the thrash. A friend even complained her kids will take care of the virtual animals than take the dog out for walks!!!
There is concern of FB being linked to psychological disorder in kids as this report suggests. Of course kids being kids will deny they are cuckoo as being teens we often think our parents are OTC - otak tak centre when we don't get our ways right? Good test is to remove all their gizmo and see how they begin to fret after 1 minute! But is it only confined to gen Y and Z? Are kids only addicted to their gizmos?
It is not only generation y and z that are wired in FB. Even generation X are finding new life. Hot 40 FB for those 40 years who call themselves young at heart and not bothered about if their youth has faded! Hello is that for real? How many of these 40 yr old fuddles will post their real pix sans the make up and below their chin for the rest of their fans to see huh? And why plan a get together like months ahead? Oh to allow them to go for some uplift and beauty and slimming regime most probably before the meetup, no?
Social media is not to be blamed for creating perasan hey I look cool and sexy and someone who is a Just Be, a half of the real Justin Bieber. Each of us wants to look his/her best and it's a lie if anyone tells you they don't bother about their looks or their body profile. If that is the case the so called beauty consultants and the personal grooming consultants should just fold up right?
But social media does make us individualistic and lonely in a cyberworld. We used to think we are lonely in crowded downtown KL with millions of migrants these days around us. And social media used to tout itself as making one more sociable. Really? Look around and you see many wired to their electronic cigarette dispensing cyber nicotine 'fag' gizmos, their bberry, iPod, iPad and it's not an irony such gizmos are all 'i' in front because it focuses on the 'I' the ME - I am the centre of everything. And I am connected to my virtual world and community. The people around me are just a distraction blocking my walk path we can supposed.
Even drivers are glued to their mobile devices! If you see a car in front of you swaying and slow, you can bet the fello is using the mobile, either reading or texting! The car manufacturer who invents a mobile device auto drive switch button will be the one selling the most cars!!!
They say that it is not reaching the destination that is important. But the journey along the way and the pit stops we make are the memorable ones. Social media takes away appreciating the world around us. We used to peek outside the window to check the weather. Now, it's on the screen.
We used to ask for directions and meet interesting people and places. Now it's the GPS on the screen.
We used to sing with frens while walking and get a good laugh. Now we plug our ears with earphones.
These days, social media or SM is letting us see our real world less. It's odd we are all spending a huge lot to get 3D experience like watching NATGEO HD when we could step out and smell the flowers!!!
When radio was launched, it was taught to be a good social bonding for families as they would sit around the living room and listened. Next came the idiot box. Then atari and the computer games revolution. And as technology progresses, we found ourselves wired to the gizmos than connect with the real people in our lives.
Perseverance in jogging, the mental discipline and mental torture go that extra mile is no more a challenge when the walkman and iPod took away the boredom and made exercise like taking a walk in the park! Unplug the earphones or switched off the tv screen and you can see the torturous faces of the people in the gym? Wrong assumption try and jog without the music or tv and see if you really sweat to take that 3 minute jog huh?
SB and all the 'i' centric gizmos are here to stay. Is it a fad like the walkman or pong game or mario brothers? It's angry bird these days and funny the RSPCA are awfully calm and quiet using birds to destroy, destroy, destroy. One day if a kid uses the cat, or dog or polly the bird as a rolling ball, who do we blame, angry bird?
We are still trying to find ways to balance this SM obsession. It leads to compulsive behaviour disorder some say and there is so much truth. Look around us especially in a lift each morning in office. You have someone checking on their mobile, to read a new message or probably go over a sweet nothing archive ones!
It used to be gurls will check their make up and gincu before they sit down to eat or meet and before they leave the table. These days, the mobile gizmo is the first and last act at the table, right?
Men used to check their watches, now they do just like what the gurl does with her device, true, hah?
m I also one of the guilty ones? Yes and no. Yes as catching up on news on the screen having meals alone replaces the hardcopy! Blogging on the go? No because still generation X who prefers a hard keyboard and at least a 12 inchi and 12pt font at least to see what I'm typing!
Connect to FB? Used to but then you get tired of people posting in their wall the same ole boring stuff. If they are not commenting on themselves they are commenting on others. So deleted all those like sites and left with about 12 fans on my FB. The narcissism part is posting the pictures taken on photo hobby shoot! 'Why don't you sell your pix and make some money,' friends would urge. Too lazy.
Has FB made my life richer? Frankly no because noone ordered my pix hah which is not the intention to post but to let friends give me some 'likes' encouragement. 'Why don't you open your comments to everyone so you can improve?' is a wise request. But then, it may stop me enjoying my photography and the negative comments may cause me to stop photography!!!
Therein lies the insecure me which SM is unable to help, simply because just as much as it allows me to inflate my ego, it also protects me from getting deflated! So it's kinda true SM makes us narcissist hah! But, aren't adults just as vp, vain-pot narcissist than the kids on FB? The adults do that in their gyms while kids on their FBs. What's the difference?
There are those who need the fans in FB to give them that 'caffeine' perk each time they wake up. Even blackberry and all those telco services are encouraging us to merge our lives with their electronic devices with FB postings or bb postings like 'What is the first thing you do with your bberry when you awake or what is the first word you type.'
Given we all seem to have a mobile, we wonder why are there so many telephone booths in the middle of walkways around town? We spend thousands to erect these redundant boxes to cater for migrants to call home huh? Or for ahlongs adverts as well as other dubious nocturnal services huh?
The irony is we are willing or rather some don't mind spending so much on their telco bills but lazy to pay for their utilities or compound fines or spare a dime for the poor! Though we must admit SM can be powerful tool to raise fund like the thousands of pounds for our poor Ashraf who is now a world celebrity and got even more YouTube hits than 1Malaysia and so so so much richer than any student if the thousands of pounds collected he wants it. Let's hope he donates it to other victims, no?
Some may think these telco SMs are rather nice interesting ways to keep themselves relevant, more often than not, they are just subtle ways of collecting information about your behaviour!!!
Nothing is free in this world! Even good fresh air and surrounding you pay millions for that space and view. Check out the real property brochure and you get the drift!
So too FB and SM sites. Even knowing FB exposes your contact phones in FB itself is worrying for the unsuspecting. We all rush to say yes to all their queries because we want to get to use the apps right? And in the process sacrifice our privacy!!!
Which SM sites do i love best? For nothing to do and pictures, FB. For pictures Flickr if only they don't charge beyond the free pix. For real good professional community Linkedin and the mother of all blog search engines Technorati. And food tips, Foursquare. And that is about all the wired world in my SM space which is actually too many. Is that too many to turn me into a perasan vain-pot?
Being more a tactile and visceral human, would rather face a book than Facebook, meet real blokes than blog, and go out and snap pictures than flikr over someone's else! Go live life out there then you can blog or FB about it hah! But spare us the minute by minute details of your ingrown toe nail while sitting on the throne or that you are bored or life suck! If the real life is so boring, cyberworld is just another blackhole of boredom and loneliness when you don't get a ping from your zillion friends rite? - YAHMEH!!!
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