
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

'A Pakatan RCI will include punishment'

(Daily Express) - Only a Royal Commission of Inquiry set up by the Pakatan Rakyat if it takes over Putrajaya can ensure Sabahans wishes that the perpetrators of "Project IC" be brought to justice.
"Only when established by Pakatan Rakyat will it be comprehensive in nature," said DAP Sabah Secretary Dr Edwin Bosi.
As far as DAP Sabah is concerned the RCI is only good on paper and at best as a window dressing, he said.
"Pairin has said that he expects this 'mother of all problems' to be resolved by 2012. It is, therefore, not surprising to see the government's interest in establishing the RCI on illegal immigrant this year."
"To this, Pairin stated that PBS' confidence in the BN leadership will increase when the RCI is implemented," he said. "Pairin and PBS should take the cue from former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad when he supported the surge in population in Sabah," he said.
Dr Edwin said on hindsight DAP Sabah felt that PBS could have been a major player in Pakatan Rakyat if it did not re-join the BN in 2002.
"Had the PBS leaders remained resilient and committed to its struggle the party would have helped Pakatan Rakyat form the Federal Government."
"The issue of illegal immigrants and oil royalty in Sabah could then have been settled amicably," he said.
Nevertheless, DAP Sabah believed that PBS had not missed the boat.
"The changing political scenario, the chorus for change and coupled with the withdrawal of MP Datuk Wilfred Bumburing and MP Datuk Lajim Ukin from BN should trigger some soul searching in Pairin and PBS."
"We wish to remind Pairin that Umno, which undemocratically removed him and his party (PBS) in 1994 is now depending on him to help hold on to power."
"The moment has arrived where Pairin and PBS can now make a difference."
"We hope Pairin and PBS will study in detail the statement by Tun Dr Mahathir on the illegal immigrants in Sabah."
We can say to Pairin and PBS that the ball is now at their feet," he said.


  1. Betul ka tidak oh? Janji manis politik saja ni. Nanti lepas menang terus buat2 lupa la tu sebab Anwar mungkin terlibat juga.

  2. Mula sudah pihak cuba menjadikan RCI ini janji politik semata-mata. Sedangkan Kerajaan BN telah pun mencadangkan perkara ini dan akan melaksanakannya.

    1. pembangkang menganggap apa mereka lakukan adalah terbaik, tapi hakikatnya mereka KOSONG.

    2. Pembangkang hanya mengunakan isu RCI ini sebagai alat politik mereka.. untuk memancing undi rakyat.

  3. Apa pun teruskan usaha yang terbaik untuk rakyat. Kerajaan BN mampu melakukannya. Kita percaya Kerajaan BN pasti memastikan perjuangan akan terus demi kepentingan penduduk Sabah.

  4. RCI pun pembangkang mau buat berasingan macam tema hari kemerdekaan?

  5. Jangan termasuk perangkap pembangkang. sebelum PRU buat banyak janji bila lepas PRU, entah tertunai ka tidak janji tu.

  6. Janji kerajaan yang boleh di percayai.. setakat ini apa yang di janji kan sudah di tunaikan..Pembangkang janji kosong sahaja.

  7. macam mana mahu include punishment kalau RCI itu hanya menyiasat, bukannya sebuah mahkmah yang berkuasa menghukum dan menentukan seseorang itu bersalah atau tidak..

  8. tidak perlulah pembangkang membuat permintaan itu ini semata2 mahu menggambarkan kepada rakyat bahawa RCI yang diumumkan ini tidak lengkap..

  9. permintaan demi permintaan oleh pemimpin2 politik pembangkang ini menunjukkan mereka terdesak mahu menarik sokongan rakyat ketika rakyat mula meyakini pentadbiran Najib..

  10. bagi saya, RCI yang diumumkan oleh Najib ini cukup baik dan lengkap.. daripada buat kesimpulan melulu, baik tunggu sahaja setelah suruhanjaya ini selesai menjalankan tugas..


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