
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 18, 2012


A SENIOR Upko division leader who followed Tuaran MP Datuk Wilfred Bumburing out of the party has returned to the fold after the announcement of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah.
Tuaran Upko division treasurer Daukim Gilu said he is now convinced that the RCI announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Aug 11 was a positive step towards resolving the illegal immigrant problem.
“I have no more motivation to continue promoting the so-called Sabah Reform Movement (led by Bumburing),” he said, adding that he had joined the movement because of delays in the setting up of the RCI.
“I am happy with the composition of the RCI panel in terms of calibre and integrity. I am confident the RCI will meet its objectives to resolve the illegal immigrants issue in Sabah,” he said.
Daukim said he was happy that Upko together with other Barisan components would be submitting their views on the issue of illegal immigrants and the extraordinary rise in Sabah’s population blamed on the issuance of identity cards.
“I have therefore decided to continue my political struggle through Upko and Barisan and fully support the party leadership of Tan Sri Bernard Dompok and Tuaran division chief Datuk Wilfred Tangau,” he said.
Bumburing quit Upko to launch a self-styled Sabah Reform Movement on July 29, a day after Umno’s Beaufort MP Datuk Lajim Ukin also launched a similar but different movement called Sabah Alliance for Change.
Bumburing and Lajim are aligned with the opposition Pakatan Rakyat. (TheSTAR)


  1. Bumburing, Lajim bagaimana pula??Tidak mau kembali pada parti walaupun RCI sudah ditubuhkan?

    1. I don't think B and Lajim will go back to BN again.

    2. Baguslah..Lain kali berfikir sebelum bertindak. Apa pun keluar parti bukan penyelesaian yang baik.

    3. dah terlajak keluar, takkan nak masuk balik.. malulah.. huhu..

  2. Semoga tiada lagi pemimpin yang berpaling tadah lepas ni.

  3. I think there is none of the leaders who wish to ditch to another party.

  4. Good news to the Tuaran guy. He managed to find his way back home.

  5. Lupakan isu MPs lompat parti, yang penting persediaan BN dalam menghadapi PRU13.

  6. Yang penting sekarang RCI dah ditubuhkan dan harap pelaksanaannya juga lancar seperti yang diharapkan.

  7. Ketepikan dulu soal lompat parti itu kerana masih banyak hal yang lebih penting untuk diberi perhatian.

  8. apa komen Bumburing?? sudi ka beliau mengakui bahawa langkah yang dia ambil itu salah?

  9. lain kali sebelum lompat parti tu, fikir dulu masak2.. nanti terludah pula muka sendiri..

  10. nasib baik la dia masih diterima oleh upko.. kalau Pakatan, confirm tidak kena terima sudah tu..

  11. Be a man with principle. Don't be like the 'lalang'. It swings where the wind blows.

  12. Tenom Umno Division chief Datuk Rubin Balang is confident that Barisan Nasional (BN) will repeat its success by winning all the state and parliamentary seats in the interior in the coming general election.

    His confidence is based on the support from the people who are now more in favour of BN which had brought big changes in the interior.

    “The people in the interior who enjoy the present development still want BN to continue to lead the state and federal governments,” he told reporters at the opening of the joint Tenom and Pensiangan Umno Division delegates meeting held at Datuk Seri Panglima Antanom Hall here yesterday.

    Sabah Umno liaison chairman and Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman officiated the meeting which was attended by over 3,000 delegates and observers from both divisions.

    Rubin, who is also Tenom BN chairman, is convinced that only BN can look after the welfare of the people.

    He said in the last election, all the state and parliamentary seats in interior areas were won by BN. Among them were Tambunan, Bingkor, Liawan, Melalap, Kemabong, Sook, Nabawan, Tenom, Pensiangan and Keningau parliamentary areas.

    On the possibility of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) putting its candidate for the Tenom parliamentary seat, Rubin, who is also Kemabong assemblyman, said any BN component party could submit a proposal in accordance with the democratic system adopted in this country.

    However, he said the decision on the matter would only be decided by the BN leadership, adding that all parties should abide by whatever decision the BN leadership had made and work as a team to ensure BN’s victory.

    On the various issues raised by the opposition to gain support in Tenom, including the government’s introduced communal titles, Rubin said the allegation was not true because the good intention of the government was to ensure that the people had their own land to work on.

    Rubin had, in his speech earlier, also put forward a number of issues for the government’s attention, among others the road upgrading in Ulu Tomani, the establishment of Melalap township, the low rubber prices paid to smallholders, and the bridge that connects Murut Cultural Centre to Sabah Agriculture Park.

    “I hope these issues can be addressed by the government for the people of this district,” he said.

    At the event, the Chief Minister received new Umno membership forms from about 300 members of the opposition, including former independent candidate in Tenom, Sim bin N. C. Rikin who joined Umno Tenom and attended Tenom Umno Hari Raya open house held at the hall compound.

    More than 3,000 people, including Tenom Umno division chief Datuk Rubin Balang, Pensiangan Umno division chief Datuk Abdul Ghani Mohd Yassin, Keningau Umno division chief Datuk Haji Sairin Karno and Tenom member of parliament Datuk Raime Unggi were at the event.


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