
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 26, 2012

‘Janji Ditepati’ a cruel joke on Sabah

A Sabah MP has questioned the federal government's right to claiming 'Janji Ditepati' in Sabah when it has not fulfilled the terms of the 20-point agreement signed in 1963.
TAWAU: This year’s National Day theme ‘Janji Ditepati’ (Promises Fulfilled) is a “cruel joke” and an insult to Sabah and its people, an MP has charged.
Chua Soon Bui, the Tawau MP, said it was regrettable that the Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture has chosen such a “misleading-and-self-glorifying” theme for this year’s National Day’s celebration, when Sabah is currently the poorest state in Malaysia.
“What promises have been fulfilled in Sabah when despite being an equal partner of the Federation of Malaysia, and once the richest state in Malaysia, with rich natural resources including oil and gas, Sabah has been reduced to the poorest state in Malaysia?
“What promises have been fulfilled for Sabah in term of 20 points agreement when Malaysia was formed on  Sept 16, 1963, 49 years ago?
“It is a shame that Sabah is the most impoverished state in Malaysia today, with poverty rate of 19.7% as compared to Perlis – the second poorest state with a poverty rate of 6%. Sabah is 5.5 times poorer compared to the national poverty average of 3.6%,” she said.
Chua, a vice-president of the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), also wants the federal government to respect the historical facts of the nation, especially in regards to its formation.
The government leaders in the peninsula, she said, were continuing to twist historical facts by declaring that the nation is 55 years old, when Malaysia has not existed for that long.
Malaysia was only formed together with Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak on Sept 16, 1963 and so their calculations do not add up, she said.
“Stop misleading the people on the actual and correct number of years since it has achieved independence from British rule. It is 49 years for Sabah and not 55 years,” she said.


  1. Our confidence in the BN leadership will increase when the RCI is implemented.

    1. Apa lagi jika RCI yang ditubuhkan dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya.

  2. The opposition are generous in their words and promises when election is approaching, but they fail to keep them.

    1. Janji yang dibuat oleh pembangkang hanya sekadar janji dan bukan dibuat mengikut kemampuan mereka.

  3. Ini bukannya permainan. Kita dapat liaht sendiri juga janji pertama yang mana RCI telah pun ditubuhkan. Ini antara janji yang telah ditepati.

  4. takut sangat pembangkang Sabah bila kerajaan gunakan slogan "janji ditepati".. kenapa? pembangkang tidak suka kerajaan menepati janji?

    1. bagi pembangkang tak da yang baik pada kerajaan.

  5. "janji ditepati" baru saja menjadi slogan kerajaan dibawah pentadbiran Najib.. kenapa perlu kaitkan perjanjian 20 perkara?? sejak termetrainya perjanjian itu sehingga 2008, siapa yang jadi PM Malaysia??

  6. Barisan Nasional’s (BN) publicity & information bureau must be prepared to counter the opposition’s lies and allegations so that the people will not be cheated by those who are desperate to topple the government.

  7. The publicity and information bureau is the BN’s font liner in disseminating accurate information to the people at the grassroot.

  8. All the allegations or issues raised by the opposition, who will constantly try to confuse the people must be countered with the correct information.

  9. Musa said clear and accurate information given to the people, especially in Sabah, would ensure continuous support for all the efforts taken by the BN-led government.

  10. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, who is also Sabah BN and Umno chief, said the bureau should always equipped itself with knowledge and ability to explain to the people about the government’s policies and promises fulfilled by the party.

  11. And, he also said the people of Sabah knew how to show their gratitude to the government, especially when their needs and wellbeing were being taken care of.

  12. And, he also said the people of Sabah knew how to show their gratitude to the government, especially when their needs and wellbeing were being taken care of.

  13. It is warranted that gratitude are to be expressed to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for his continuous ideas to ease the people’s burden.

  14. This is an example of a caring government and a leader who is concerned about the wellbeing of the people

  15. Meanwhile, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Ahmad Maslan, who is also Umno Information chief, hoped that all publicity and information chiefs at the divisional levels, would make optimum use of the face-to-face, print, digital and electronic media in disseminating information to the people.

  16. Ahmad said that this can be done now and don’t have to wait for general election because there are enough evidence on the success stories created by the BN government.

  17. Further explained that there is a need to remind the people again and again so that they will not fall victim to empty promises given by the opposition.


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