
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lies, damned lies and statistics

YOURSAY 'Isn't it criminal to lull the public into a false sense of security by using fake crime statistics just for the purpose of scoring political points?'

Gov't urged to clarify crime data manipulation claim

your sayStarr: The government's silence on Pakatan Rakyat's call for clarification of the crime data manipulation is deafening.

If true, the government has committed a serious offence of misleading, deceiving the public with the doctored figures and more fundamentally, brought into question the integrity of all other public data and indeed the government which released them.

All forms of manipulation of data are deemed to be serious, tantamount to deceiving and misleading the public. It's only to be hoped that government think-tank Pemandu is not charged with such fabrication, manufacturing of lies.

Pemerhati: "The three opposition MPs urged (Home Minister) Hishammuddin (Hussein) and (Pemandu chief) Idris Jala to disclose the statistics of cases classified under sections 148, 382, 452 and 453 of the Penal Code since the implementation of the NKRA (National Key Result Area) to date and the three years preceding its implementation to refute the allegation."

Now that the police know that if they release the correct figures as requested, chances are they would now try and cook up some figures and give some fictitious numbers to prevent the truth from being revealed.

We know that they are in the habit of killing some suspects under their custody and telling lies to cover up the murders, and so telling some more lies about these figures should come quite naturally to them.

When the ministers at the top are crooked, they order the public servants to do crooked things so as to fool the public, as seems to be the case now.

Cannon: This is a government of lies and deceit, of double-talk and cover-ups. It is incapable of telling the truth and cannot be trusted.

This regime is afraid of the people and tries hard to hide the truth from the people. So its MSM (mainstream media) resorts to spinning the news and telling half-truths and outright lies.

Now we catch the PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) for allegedly cooking its crime statistics to meet the NKRA of the Home Ministry. Hisham, apa macam?

Abasir: Refsa (Research For Social Advancement) had previously pointed out the fallacious statistics issued by Pemandu. At that time, we thought that the problem was just incompetence.

Now with this revelation, we may assume that the problem is also dishonesty. We have a potent combination: incompetence and crookedness driving this nation towards it inglorious end.

Odin: But MPs Nurul Izzah Anwar, Hatta Ramli and Liew Chin Tong, which sane person trusts statistics from the government? As for the credibility of the Home Ministry, Pemandu and the police, there is none.

Dr C: I don't think that we can expect the honourable home minister and the CEO of Pemandu to come out and clarify the matter. Probably, they will now try to find out who that whistleblower is and charge him.

Kgen: Pemandu swallowed the lie hook, line and sinker. They also swallowed the preposterous lie that crime actually went down by 10.1 percent in the first three months of this year. Even an idiot knows that this can't be true.

Isn't it criminal to lull the public into a false sense of security by allegedly using fake crime statistics just for the purpose of scoring political points?

James1067: When one person at least knows of a family or friend who have been exposed to at least a snatch thief or even their house been robbed, why is there the need to manipulate the crime figures?

People just don't have faith anymore in the authorities or their NKRA targets. This does not take into account the many crimes not reported as that's how much faith the public have in the police's investigation ability and the bringing of the criminals to justice.

Justice Pao: The home minister is right about high crime rates to be due to perception. The police officers taking the reports perceive the crime differently and the data entered is based on their perception.

Their bosses need to have the BN government to perceive the data to look good as it does not matter that the public do not feel safe on the streets.

Anonymous #76965586: Nobody will be fooled by those crime data. Frankly, ask yourself, are you feeling more secure now than before?

We are intimidated by our government, police and gangsters. We are not just worrying ourselves, but also our family and friends.

Robbery, burglaries, murders, illegal gamblings, drug abuse, prostitution, rapes, intimidation from the government and police, illegal national wealth grabbing, subsidies manipulation and many, many others.

These incidences are getting worse by the day. No country will become wealthy and no rakyat will feel secured and happy if they are allowed to continue.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: I can already predict the response from Hishammuddin, Pemandu and the police: "It is only a perception that the crime statistics have been manipulated." - Malaysiakini

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