
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 27, 2012

‘Musa making same mistake as Harris’

Neither Chief Minister Musa Aman nor Taib Mahmud, has any right to re-negotiate the states' oil rights; 'only' the respective State Legislative Assemblies can do that.
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Barisan Nasional government will be making the same “mistake” it did more than 30 years ago by agreeing to negotiate its oil rights with the federal government, a politician here has warned.
Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Liawan vice-chairman Joseph Wilfred Lakai said today that there was no necessity to re-negotiate terms between the East Malaysian states and the federal government on the Petroleum Agreement 1976 .
“Why should Sabah and Sarawak re-negotiate the Petroleum Agreement when even in the first agreement Malaya did not honour the terms?”
He said that being the main producers of oil, Sabah and Sarawak should rightly be the sole beneficiary of the oil income.
Lakai claimed that the terms of the agreement are not only lopsided but grossly unfair to the oil-producing states.
He said records showed that in 1976, Sabah and Sarawak’s rights to their oilfields were signed away for just 5% “royalty”, which seems not to be what it really is.
“Malaya did not honour the agreement and all the other agreements including the 20-Point Agreement for Sabah and 18-Point Agreement for Sarawak. Malaya had repudiated the terms.
“Sabah and Sarawak are not bound by these agreements to the extent where they are entirely for the benefit of Malaya. If these agreements are voided, then Sabah and Sarawak are free from all the legal lies with Malaya,” he told FMT today.
Lakai, a pilot, accused the Malaya-centric government of acting as a colonial master by annexing, “Malayanising” and looting Sabah and Sarawak since 1963 to fulfil its objective to create a “Greater Malaysia”.
“Today, both the Chief Ministers of Sabah and Sarawak want to re-negotiate… (but) the issue is that the petroleum belongs to the people, not the leaders.
“They have no right to re-negotiate on behalf of the people,” Lakai said.
He pointed out that only the State Legislative Assemblies of both states have that power to re-negotiate on this matter.
What about export tax?
The SAPP leader also questioned the need to export petroleum from Labuan and gas from Bintulu.
“Who collects the export tax? Why do Sabah and Sarawak have no say on the export tax? What about tax on petroleum products into Sabah and Sarawak? Why are Sabah and Sarawak not getting any of it,” Lakai said.
On the 5% oil royalty Sabah and Sarawak are now being paid by the federal government, Lakai said it was never a royalty but total sale based on FOB.
“The global petroleum and gas price for the last two decades was excellent. Why does the amount paid to the state government remain constant?” he said.
Meanwhile, the SAPP leader agreed with Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) chief Jeffrey Kitingan that the 5% is a cash payment payable by Petronas under Section 4 of the Petroleum Development Act, 1974, and had nothing to do with royalties.
Jeffrey had last week said the the cash payment was in return for the ownership and the rights, powers, liberties and privileges of the oil and gas resources vested in Petronas by the state.
Furthermore, Section 4 provides that the cash payment is to be agreed between the parties, and not imposed upon.
Jeffrey said the general opinion was that the existing oil agreement is unconstitutional and invalid because it was not only unfair but infringed on fundamental state rights.
The conclusion that could be drawn, he said, was there was unlikely to have been any negotiations in 1976 for the amount of the cash payment.
If terms had been properly negotiated, Sabah would not have ended up at a mere 5% for transfer of ownership of the oil and gas resources to Petronas.
Jeffrey also pointed out that then chief minister Harris Salleh, who signed the oil royalty agreement in 1976, recently stated that Sabah was forced to accept the 5% cash payment.
Both previous Sabah chief minister Mustapha Harun and Fuad Stephens had refused to sign away the state’s oil rights for the extremely low rates it would get in return.


  1. Tidaklah rasanya.. Tidak sama datuk Musa dan Datuk Harris. Rasanya Datuk Harris lebih teruk pentadbiran mereka berbanding dengan Datuk Musa. Datuk Musa telah banyak membawa perubahan kepada Sabah.

    1. kepimpinan Musa lebih baik dari Harris, byk pembangunan Musa buat untuk Sabah.

    2. Indeed Musa is a better KM as compare others that he brough positive development to Sabah.

  2. Sabah adalah antara negeri yang pesat membangun di Malaysia pada masa sekarang. Siapa yang membangukan Sabah itu. Sudah pasti Datuk Musa Aman.

    1. Sabah kini makin pesat membangun, Sabah kini bukan lagi negeri termiskin.

    2. Terbukti Musa membawa perkembangan yang lebih positif berbanding KM yang sebelum ini.

  3. Maka kita dapat lihat sendiri apa yang berlaku kepada Sabah iaitu satu perubahan kemajuan dan ekonomi negeri itu sendiri dibawah pentadbiran Datuk Musa Aman dan Kerajaan BN yang lain.

    1. Tidak harus berbanding dengan Sabah sendiri, cuba banding dengan negeri lain. Sabah berpotensi menjadi pusat ekonomi yang penting, apakah sebab ekonomi Sabah masih tidak bermaju?>

  4. Pengurusan yang baik ini memberikan petanda yang positif kepada penduduk Sabah. Jadi teruskan menilai apa yang kita dapat.

  5. Sebab itulah keluarnya pelbagai isu khabar angin, dan fitnah yang bukan-bukan mengenai beliau. Memang kita perasan bukan mengenai pelbagai fitnah yang cuba direka-reka. Biarkan saja yang pasti kita tahu apa yang terbaik.

  6. Sebab dengan kejayaan yang telah dilakukan oleh Datuk musa ini ada pihak yang kurang senang akan usaha dan kejayaan yang dilakukan oleh Datuk Musa Aman itu.

    1. pihak kurang senang pasti akan cuba nak memburukkan Musa.

  7. Cemburu betul 'individu' ni dengan Musa. Susah juga jadi pemimpin hebat rupanya, besar juga tekanannya.

    1. Tun M has cautioned the people about giving the opposition a 5 year trial mandate to rule the country, saying that it is a dangerous move because many things can be destroyed.

  8. Namun, kita harapkan Musa dapat menerajui Sabah ke arah yang lebih baik.

  9. Ada juga kelemahan Musa yang menyebabkan rakyat tidak senang hati.

  10. Rakyat sendiri meniali sama ada memerlukan Musa lagi untuk pembangunan yang berterusan? Atau ada parti lain yang lebih positif.

  11. Sokongan Musa masih kuat walaupun Lajim dan Bumbering telah meninggalkan BN. Terbukti BN lebih stabil.

    1. Ini juga bergantung sama ada rakyat masih berkeyakinan terhadap Musa dan BN.

  12. Meanwhile, the SAPP leader agreed with Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) chief Jeffrey Kitingan that the 5% is a cash payment payable by Petronas under Section 4 of the Petroleum Development Act, 1974, and had nothing to do with royalties.

    Betul ke? what about the royalties?

  13. “The global petroleum and gas price for the last two decades was excellent. Why does the amount paid to the state government remain constant?”

    Kadar harus diperbaiki dan mengikuti inflasi dan harga pasaran.

    1. Semoga kerajaan negeri dapat memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat.

  14. On claims by Pakatan that the opposition is getting stronger in Sabah, Dompok said the BN's fate could only be decided by the Sabah people through the ballot box.

    1. Pembangkang sermakin matang dan berkembang. Keadaan ini akan memberi persaingan yang giat untuk Bn yang kucar kacir selepas kehilangan kedua pemimpin yang berpengalaman.

  15. so how about mistake done by Yong Teck Lee??

  16. now SAPP trying to bring BN leaders mistake to protect their chief leader who make a lot of mistake during his tenure as chief minister of Sabah..

  17. If terms had been properly negotiated, Sabah would not have ended up at a mere 5% for transfer of ownership of the oil and gas resources to Petronas.

    Terms and condition is not sided to the people of Sabah.


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