
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, August 13, 2012

Not Sabah RCI’s role to punish wrongdoers, says Dompok

The RCI will probe allegations of foreigners in Sabah being given citizenships in return for electoral support. — File pic
KOTA KINABALU, Aug 13 — The Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrant problems in Sabah might not have the legal clout to determine what judgment can be meted against the culprits as suggested by certain leaders in the state, said United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok.
“I think that is the province of the court. It is not for the RCI to go into that area. They (RCI panel members) probably can recommend the sort of action the government should take but to mete out punishment is beyond their jurisdiction,” he said.
Dompok, who is also primary industries and commodities minister, was asked to comment on the call by certain leaders that the terms of reference (TOR) of the RCI should include determination of judgment and punishment against the culprits.
He said the TOR of the RCI should not be politicised as its intention was noble, to address the issue of the illegal immigrants in Sabah once and for all.
“I think the TOR is wide enough to allow for investigation on the scale we want to ensure everything is covered,” he told reporters after attending the presentation of certificates to the second batch of graduates of the Institute of Malaysian Plantations and Commodities (IMPAC), here today.
In announcing the TOR of RCI in Kota Kinabalu last Saturday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had said that the panel, to be chaired by former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong, would be given six months to complete its investigation on the influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah. — Bernama


  1. Six months to complete when the call forRCI has been for years and years! ! ! Another hogwash more likely! ! So after recommendation what? Nothing! Start collecting dust! !

  2. Akhirnya TOR pun siap dibincangkan untuk RCI ini.

    1. Semoga pengumuman sah akan dibuat dalam masa yang tersingkat.

  3. Yang penting RCI pasti akan ditunaikan juga nanti oleh PM kita. Semoga RCI ini akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang menghantui Sabah ini.

    1. Jangan biarkan kes ini bertambah teruk keadaannya, jadi, RCI memainkan peranan penting untuk mencari punca dan cara penyelesaian.

  4. janji kerajaan untuk laksankan RCI telah ditunaikan, dan bersama kita tgk hasil RCI. moga masalah PATI akan selesai.

  5. Pertubuhan RCI cuma peringkat pertama, siasatan belum pasti boleh mendapat kesan punca masalah. Semoga semua berjalan lancar.

  6. Semoga panel yang dilantik adalah betul-betul bertanggung jawab dan amanah demi masa depan anak negeri muda.

  7. Kami menantikan sejauh mana RCI ini dapat menyelesaikanisu PATI.

    1. yup.. lebih baik sekadar menunggu hasil siasatan daripada terus membuat kritikan melulu sehingga mengganggu proses siasatan..

  8. RCI tetap sebuah RCI, bukannya mahkamah yang mempunyai kuasa menghukum atau memutuskan seseorang itu bersalah atau tidak..

  9. kira bagus la RCI ditubuhkan.. kalaulah Tun M masih memerintah negeri ini, jangan harap RCI akan ditubuhkan.. rakyat patut melihat kesungguhan Najib ini dan membezakan beliau dengan pemimpin2 BN terdahulu..


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