
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sabah Umno: How is 20-pt agreement still relevant?

Keningau Umno Youth has described the opposition's insistence on raising the 20-point memorandum (relating to Sabah's terms to form Malaysia) and Sabah's position in Malaysia, as unreasonable.     

Its chief, Azman Ruslan, said the parties concerned should explain frankly why and how they saw the points in the memorandum as still relevant, despite the fact that it had been 49 years since Sabah gained independence within Malaysia.     

"It is crucial for them to explain their 'struggle' for it, lest they would encourage 'false hopes' among the people, especially the bumiputera communities," he said in his address at the Umno Youth conference in Keningau today.     

The conference was officiated by Rural and Regional Development Minister Mohd Shafie Apdal, who is also party vice-president.     

He cautioned against becoming fanatical in championing a certain issue to the extent that priorities, which warranted attention were left 'suspended'.     

Azman said, not all Sabahans, especially the young generation, had the opportunity to read and scrutinise the Cobbold Commission report pertaining to the views of the people of Sabah and Sarawak on the formation of Malaysia. 

The Cobbold Commission was a commission of enquiry set up in 1962 to determine whether the people of North Borneo (now Sabah) and Sarawak supported the proposal to form Malaysia.    

While quoting the Commission report, Azman, a lawyer, cited that the then Kadazan-based party, United National Kadazan Organisation (Unko) fully supported Malaysia's formation as the community felt their future would be more assured when North Borneo gained its independence and formed the federation.     

He said racial assimilation, including through marriage, could likely influence the attitude and nature of Sabah's future generations and make them less parochialistic.     
"We now have Dusuns, Muruts marrying Malaysians from the peninsula and vice-versa," he said to stress a point.      



  1. Memang masih relevant pun mengenai 20 perkara ini. Apa pun harap terus disuarakan mengenai 20 perkara ini.

    1. perkara 20 harus dilaksanakan sepenuhnya di Sabah.

  2. The 20 point agreement, or the 20-point memorandum, is a list of 20 points drawn up by North Borneo, proposing terms for its incorporation into the new federation as the State of Sabah, during negotiations prior to the formation of Malaysia. It accomplished through the enactment of the Malaysia Act (1963), clause 1(1) of which states that on Malaysia Day.

  3. The content and spirit of the 20 points document on Sabah’s safeguards for the formation of Malaysia is forever valid and relevant by virtue of them being incorporated in the Inter Governmental Committee (IGC) report and Federal Constitution. the 20 points made in a memorandum by seven political parties in 1962 and submitted to the IGC was not an official government document but purely a political memorandum.

  4. Rasanya perlu dikaji semula 20 Perkara ni untuk memastikan ia masih relevan atau sebaliknya.

  5. minta saja Najib kaji semula perjanjian 20 perkara..kalau Najib boleh umumkan RCI, boleh kaji semula royalti minyak, pasti beliau tidak ada masalah untuk mengkaji semula perjanjian 20 perkara..


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