
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Abu Sayyaf Kidnap 5 Malaysians, Nur Misuari Wants To Play Middle Man

Image result for islamist militant group abu sayyaf

Folks, there is a pattern. I notice that each time the Philippine government carries out an operation against the Abu Sayyaf or embarks on some peace process, there is a kidnapping or an attack in that area. I have been warning of this for some time. 

The new president Duterte launched a military operation against the Abu Sayyaf just over a week ago. I believe it was Duterte's first warning shot to the Abu Sayyaf.   And how have the Abu Sayyaf reacted? They have kidnapped five more Malaysians : 

  • pres. adviser Jesus Dureza said five men on tug intercepted by Abu Sayyaf
  • Five Malaysians kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf, govt Philippines said Tues
  • boats found unmanned by Malaysian authorities, he said
  • Nur Misuari eager to work with govt to address Abu Sayyaf, Dureza said
  • Misuari said they [would] like to coordinate with our military
  • they want to help address criminal activities of Abu Sayyaf, Dureza said
My comments :  This is a terrible slap in the face for ESSCOM.  It is as if the ESSCOM might as well not exist. We have spent hundreds of millions of Ringgits on ESSCOM to defend Sabah but the Abu Sayyaf can still kidnap our people at will.  

I heard that when the Abu Sayyaf released those Sarawakians recently they came in broad daylight, on a boat right up to the Sandakan jetty,  wearing fatigues and fully armed with weapons. They can walk in and out with impunity.

I believe the Abu Sayyaf are also pissed off that they did not get all the ransom money that was raised to free the Sarawakians.  "Middle men" took a very big cut.  This time around they are going to ask for much more ransom.

It is a very sick situation indeed if there are "other" people who profit from these ransom collections, especially if they are in the uniformed services (of any country).

In the Philippines president Duterte has made a clear and loud commitment to fight corruption. We wish him all the success. They may succeed - they are a 'kafir' country.   

In Malaysia we claim to be an 'Islamic' country.  So here we have to ask "Will the ransom be payable by cheque or cash? Payable to whose account? Islamic bank or conventional bank?" Stuff like that.

In the last round there was some serious embarrasment when the Minister and the IGP made contradictory statements about the ransom monies. 

We have to watch out for Nur Misuari. He is a good friend of our Prince of the Bamboo River.  He is a huge trouble causer in Mindanao. His offer to mediate with the Abu Sayyaf means only one thing : money. 

I think they are all in cahoots, the whole lot.

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