
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Anifah Aman, stop scratching your @$$ and call in the US Ambassador.

Image result for Anifah Aman, Salleh Keruak and UD Dept of JusticeImage result for Anifah Aman, Salleh Keruak and UD Dept of JusticeImage result for Anifah Aman, Salleh Keruak and UD Dept of Justice

Well,  Salleh Syed Keruak (your fellow Cabinet colleague and Sabahan as well) has been reported thus :

Salleh: 1MDB subject of unprecedented politically-motivated attacks
21 July 2016
KUALA LUMPUR: Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak says (1MDB) has been the subject of unprecedented politically-motivated attacks with the objective to unseat a democratically-elected head of government.

These are big words. He is accusing the United States of carrying out   "unprecedented politically-motivated attacks with the objective to unseat a democratically-elected head of government"   

Wow!  This is an official response from a Cabinet Minister  (with IQ at the Nazri level of course).    Then the AG has also vehemently dismissed the Court filings by the US DOJ.  

Taken together, both their statements are sufficient to warrant our Ministray of Foreifn Affairs calling in the US Ambassador for some explanation or tongue lashing. 

'Unseating a democratically elected head of government' is serious business.

But here is what will happen. Anifah Aman the Foreign Minister will do no such thing.

You know, I know, Anifah knows and even the neighbor's cat knows that the US DOJ is speaking the truth.   They have their facts and their evidence stacked up sky high.

This is NOT a violent crime. There is no search for weapons or the murder weapon (for example).

This is embezzlement, fraud, misappropriation, stealing of funds - huge amounts -which have ALL been done through EFT (electronic funds transfers). 

Meaning there is an electronic trail perhaps slightly wider than that hippo's butt. 

So Anifah will NOT be calling the US Ambassador to register any protest.

What will happen then? Anifah will bear significant embarrassment the next time he meets any foreign dignitaries, the next time he attends any meeting or conference with any foreign delegation.


Because while one part of his gomen (Keruak a Cabinet Minister) has accused the United States of  "unprecedented politically-motivated attacks with the objective to unseat a democratically-elected head of government"  plus the Attorney General's vehement denial  as well, Anifah as the Foreign Minister will not and cannot register a single word of protest with the US Embassy here in KL.  How embarrassing.

Keruak and the AG are just putting up a charade. 

So at the next diplomatic function in KL (there is one coming up soon - I have been invited ha ha)  all the foreigners, especially the Brits, the Yanks and maybe the Aussies, will have that condescending, looking down their noses attitude towards Anifah and his minions.   Malulah Malaysia.

Tapi Menteri Kabinet semua tak malu. Dan tak tahu malu.  Third World country.

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