
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bangang Nazri talking thru his @$$ again

Image result for Nazri and no visa for middle east tourist

The National Security Council recommended visa requirements for Middle Easterners. Nazri says there is no need.  

The visa ruling was recommended by our top security professionals who know what they are talking about. This is their area of expertise.

It has been turned down by Nazri who is our home grown moron who does not know jack shit about anything.       Here is the news.
Thursday, 14 July 2016
No visa for Middle Easterners
M'sia will not impose visa requirements on Middle Eastern nationals 
despite looming Islamic State terrorism threat.
Nazri said Cabinet rejected proposal by NSC to impose visas
I think issue is not visa requirements but lack of enforcement 

(Folks, Nazri says he can think !! Haa haa)

“We need to tighten screenings at all entry points into the country,” he told press 

(I say 'doh, a visa is most definitely an extended screening mechanism. You screen them when they apply for the visa - in their country. A visa is also an extended border control mechanism. Why is this guy so dumb.)

NSC called on Govt to impose visa for Middle Eastern nationals 
If we accept NSC’s suggestion, we have to review entry requirements for all countries, not just the Middle East,” said Mohamed Nazri.  

(Who told you this 'doh? Why is this guy so dumb? Then how do you explain the fact that we already impose visas on the following countries :

Commonwealth countries that require visa -  Bangladesh, Cameroon*, Ghana*, Pakistan,  Nigeria*,  Mozambique*.

Non Commonwealth : Afghanistan (Visa with reference)    Equat. Guinea*    Myanmar  Angola*    Eritrea*    Nepal  Bhutan    Ethiopia*    Niger*  Burkina Faso*    Guinea-Bissau*    Rwanda* Burundi*    Hong Kong (C.I/D.I)    Serbia Montenegro  Central African Republic*    India    Sri Lanka  China    Israel**    United Nation  (Laissez Passer)  Colombia*    Ivory Coast (Cote d’ivoire)*    Western Sahara*  Congo Democratic Republic*    Liberia*   Yugosalavia  Djibouti*         

For the countries marked as ( * ) are allowed to enter Malaysia by air only.   

I git this from the MOFA website. Takkan Menteri Kabinet pun tak tahu. So how does Nazri explain this?

He added that the IS threat was not only targeted at Malaysia but many other countries as well, including neighbours Indonesia and Thai­land.  

(So what 'doh? What does that have to do with the price of ikan bilis in Perak? Tak ada correlation lah).

“And you can’t really say that these potential terrorists will come in only through the Middle East.  
They could come in from any country.

(Ya Allah why is this guy so dumb? It does not matter through which country these guys come into Malaysia. They can even come through your backs*de. What we want to know is their nationality. You know that when you screen their passport, when they apply for visas.)
“ We just have to be more vigilant by strengthening our screening process and intelligence databases,” he said.  

(Yo 'doh, a visa is a screening process. Before a visa is approved, our Consulates overseas can check their intelligence databases. Plus they have more time to screen them.)
Malaysia also cannot make unilateral decisions on imposing visas, as reviews of visa requirements have always been a bilateral process.  

(Huh ??  Who told you this? We are a sovereign nation. We can impose or not impose visas on visitors from any country in the world. 

Israelis cannot enter Malaysia without a Visa PLUS Home Ministry approval. We did not have to ask Netanyahu's permission before we imposed these rules.  Dont talk like an idiot. 

The Americans have imposed visas on Malaysian travellers. Did they ask your permission first?)
“Our neighbouring countries have yet to call for such drastic measures although they face similar threats, so I see no reason for Malaysia to do so,” said Mohamed Nazri.

Ya Allah why is this guy so dumb? Who cares about the other countries? This is our country.  Obviously some of our neighbors do not suffer the same level of security threat as we do. Our neighbouring countries (especially the kafir countries) do not attract as many lalat tahi as we do. 

Because the gomen crows so much about  its religious credentials, Malaysia has been attracting so many lalat tahi from all the crappy countries for so many years. They are not attracted as much to our neighbors.
Nazri  said Malaysia’s strong diplomatic ties with Middle Eastern countries could be affected if the visa requirement was introduced.   “All these countries are also members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.  “It is not our intention to cause damage to our diplomatic relations,” he added.

Yo 'doh,  we already impose visas on the following  Islamic countries :

Bangladesh, Pakistan,  Nigeria*,  Mozambique*,  Afghanistan (Visa with reference)   Equat. Guinea*    Niger*  Ivory Coast (Cote d’ivoire)*    Western Sahara*  Djibouti*     

The list is available at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.  Menteri Kabinet pun tak tahu? Please engage brain first brader, before you open mouth. Affect what relations? Tak boleh import unta korban?   

Mohamed Nazri also dispelled rumours of foreign tourists cancelling their visits to Malaysia following the recent explosion at an entertainment outlet in Puchong.

Who the hell told you this? How do you know they are not cancelling their plans to visit Malaysia? Here is a simple Yahoo search on 'ISIS Grenade attack in Malaysia':

Other people are not semi-literate like you brader. New York Times, CNN, Newsweek, Japan Times, Reuters, the Indian newspapers, Singapore Straits Times etc have all carried this news.  And you think this will not affect tourist arrivals in Malaysia? You must be really more st_pid than anyone ever thought.

“Places like Thailand and France were also similarly affected, but their tourist numbers did not suffer a significant drop.

So what? You cannot compare Malaysia with France or Thailand. They are very lucky. They are not Islamic countries. People around the world understand that those attacks in France and Thailand are isolated attacks.

Unfortunately we are an Islamic country. Foreigners will compare us to other Islamic countries. All over the Islamic world, the Muslims are fighting, killing, engaged in war, suicide bombs, blowing up tourists etc. The whole world knows this about the Islamic countries. Everyday there is some violence in some Islamic country. Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan etc etc etc etc. 

The tourist industry in Turkey is dead after the recent bomb explosions.  Now the disease has spread to Malaysia. This is how the world will look at Malaysia.  The world will say that Malaysia has become just another psycho Islamic country.

How did you ever become a Minister?  The party members must be dumber than you 'doh.

“As I know it, tourists are very steadfast in their plans. Therefore, an act of violence will not deter them as they do not want to be seen as bowing to terrorists out of fear,” he said.

Ya Allah, you need serious medication brader.  So the tourist arrivals in Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan have all increased through all the bombings and the shootings? Brader, masa kecik dulu did anyone drop you on your head? 

Charles Bronson acted in the Deathwish movies. That is a Hollywood script. No tourist has a deathwish to become a victim of some ISIS psycho's bomb in Malaysia or any country in the world. They will not go to a country where bombs are going off. Ask the Indonesians what happened to tourist arrivals after the Bali bombings. 

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