
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 17, 2016


To Malay friends, an urgent Letter.
Dear Friend, and Salam:
Thanks partly to Mahathir Mohamad, thanks mostly to Umno’s brand of politics, Malays have been conditioned to see things purely from a racial angle even if, to the contrary, the truth stares in their faces. Because Mahathir’s 1MDB campaign started on a Malay-only platform, it presented a little opening for Najib’s defense of the fraud: if there is the bangsa element, then there has to be the opposite. The Chinese.
There is Jho Low, of course. But because of Mahathir’s Malay prestige and because Low alone was never good enough to convince Malays, and because there are all those signing ceremonies that are exclusively Malays and Arabs (all Muslims), and because there are Najib’s boys at the Board of Directors, and there are Sharol Halmi and Arul and others, Najib’s defense of fraud could not yet go beyond bangsa. It has thus gone in fits and starts; you see lots of contradictions, with no clear direction.
So our worries (unstated) all along was, how will Najib turn 1MDB into a Chinese conspiracy against the Malays? To let you in on it: This worry lay behind the MCA calculation. If they stayed with Najib, so goes the argument, then he has no excuse to turn 1MDB into a racial fight. (Truth be told? This isn’t the first time MCA has to let go of its morality to save an Umno ass.) But the party drew a red line once Najib, to rally Malays onto his side, strayed too far and went in with PAS over hudud law.
A Chinese conspiracy idea remains an effective 1MDB counteracting tool because it is only when Najib preserves his political life then he doesn’t see the inside of jail. For that life, Malays seem to share the same thinking — presented to them from birth — even if the two, politics and fraud, are separate things and even if blatantly false. You have seen and heard for yourself in websites, in comments and in numerous forums; here’s the standard line: itu pasal politik. 1MDB pasal politik?
Against such kind of stupidity, even the Citizens’ Declaration doesn’t work. Mahathir cannot blame those ‘dump’ Malays if they don’t listen to him, the kampung people much less. Why? His sycophants mouth the same platitude: remove Najib for agama, bangsa dan negara.
True to that stupidity, the signs are showing up, everywhere. Have you noticed, Jebat?
Najib et al are turning 1MDB into a Chinese conspiracy not only against Malays, but especially against his Malay government. This has been our worry all along: how will he do it? Surprisingly, and we hadn’t calculated for it: the effort required of him is so little. It is, use other platforms.
The signs you see today are not red-herring issues; those are themselves the tactics so that Najib will look right to the Malays when he says he is being attacked over agama, bangsa dan negara. They will make look like 1MDB is purely a primary attack tool whereas the evil Opposition intent is actually his government as representative of Malays.
And guess what? That agama, bangsa dan negara pretext — in Chinese we say jiekou借口 — wasn’t conceived by him. It is exactly the same thing drummed up by the moth********* Firdaus Abdullah and Kadir Jasin even though Najib has already alluded to it before on a few occasions: I stole for Umno’s sake.
On that point alone, you are stuck. It becomes a legal and moral justification to even kill Mongolians and DPPs.
Face it: 1MDB is what it is. What the fuck has it got to do with agama, bangsa dan negara?
But, the cause of agama, bangsa dan negara is what you get when everything, like 1MDB, exactly like the cell phone theft at Low Yat, is made into a matter of agama, bangsa dan negara. Malays are taught from Day One to be stupid. Like the Low Yat thief, as Malays seem to think, it’s not Najib’s fault he stole. It is his duty. Agama, bangsa dan negara, you see. It is what patriotism gets the Malays. It’s become that perverse: it’s now okay to steal from the Chinese.
Do something about this absurdity; and not for the sake of Chinese.
We, the Chinese, don’t want anything from Malaysia. Many of us have given much and taken little. Honestly, after all that’s happened, we don’t give a shit. Not anymore, even if Najib steals another 50 bn. Or 100 bn. So what? After weeks of almost daily continuous postings here on 1MDB it is purely a favor to decent Malays overall (although you might find that hard to believe).
Note that we have looked at 1MDB purely from its mechanics, its finances because the greater is untangling the complexity, the greater is the clarity, and the greater is the force in the truth. High finance and so on are difficult, technical subjects that don’t rest, don’t breathe and can’t live on rhetoric and platitudes to convince. But clarity convicts.
This clarity is as opposed to the defense spearheaded by Salleh Keruak, Abdul Rahman and Najib’s other henchmen who rely purely on the rhetorical: those are lies of foreign conspirators, yada, yada, yada. That is, in rephrasing, Najib can only be removed after conviction. It is not the way around, removed then convicted, which is all that Mahathir has done so far with the same underlying argument. And Najib cannot be, will never be, convicted on the politics of agama, bangsa dan negara — much less removed beforehand — because that is also his best and only reliable defense left.
But, moth********* like Firdaus et al say exactly the same thing, except in the opposite, because, like Salleh and others, they, being journalists, can’t get a handle on the mechanics, mathematics and the logicism.
You don’t owe us but we’d hope at least one of you — Jebat — will see better sense than Firdaus and Kadir and this moth********* band. Worse than doing bad, they undermine the good.
Postscript note:
We will produce a final report on 1MDB the next installment. This is possible now because of the Auditor General’s Report. And final because it will attempt to round the circle, to offer a tentative but full account of the Fraud from 2009 to present day, how exactly it was carried out and tying up some loose ends (i.e. how is 1MDB-PSI jv related to 1MDB-IPIC; what is Aabar Ltd’s role other than to receive money; why the varied banking transactions; where, possibly, does Najib sit in, and so on) to produce a single composite picture in as simple the terms as brevity demands. Najib doesn’t need to be convicted in a court of law. The truth suffice.
- https://shuzheng.wordpress.com

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