
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Is MCA suggesting a ban on the term ‘kafir harbi’?

In the past, Umno was called ‘kafir’ and ‘taghut’ by PAS.
Were any Umno folks ever killed by any PAS people as a result of takfir (Umno dikafirkan)?
The reaction of MCA to a state mufti’s use of the ‘kafir harbi’ term is verging on the hysterical — as if MCA life members are about to be slain by Pahang jihadists any minute.

Like a dog worrying a bone

And MCA still hasn’t been willing to let go of the issue.
As recently as yesterday, the MCA spokesman released yet another press statementtitled ‘Stop importing words or concepts that may confuse Malaysians’.
In it, MCA Religious Harmony bureau chairman Ti Lian Ker complained about “some attempts to introduce ‘alien’ concepts into our legal system that may destroy national harmony and create disunity”.
Ti is referring to ‘kafir harbi’ but nobody can figure out where in our legal system the term is supposedly going to be introduced.

BELOW: Rahmat Omar Hanif last month admonished that Ti was “blatantly irresponsible” for sharing a fake tweet about a fatwa allowing Muslim men to eat their wives, purportedly issued by the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia (Fact: There is no such fatwa; it was a hoax)

Does MCA know something we don’t?

The MCA Religious Harmony bureau chairman, it would seem, has a long-running battle with the muftis both abroad and local.
Now Ti is alleging that the ‘kafir harbi’ term may lead to physical violence in our country, saying in his statement:
“These concepts if discussed publicly may confuse and influence nubile [sic]minds leading to more prejudices and even aggressions or physical violence along such misconceived lines.
“For example of late some people started to refer to Non-Muslim as ‘Kafir Harbi’ and ‘Kafir Dhimmi’ in a derogatory manner. To lesser confused minds, they may be emphasising on the ‘taxes’ to be collected or ‘blood’ that can be drawn.”
There he goes again emphasizing the act of slaying kafir harbi, which to be fair to the Mufti of Pahang, the latter never mentioned. Drawing the blood of non Muslims is only an inference made by MCA and DAP from the mufti’s remarks.

Does MCA desire a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Ti concluded his 18 July 2016 press statement saying:
“This [discussion on the term ‘kafir harbi'[ is akin to giving recognition to such concepts whereby there is provided justification to ‘collect taxes’ or ‘drawing of blood’ allowing some irresponsible souls to take the opportunity to seek  tithes, offerings for protection, running amok or going into a rampage on peoples who hold separate ideology or faith, etc.”
As objectively as possible and within reasonable context, the Pahang mufti had not been encouraging Malay Muslims to brandish their scimitars. Nor had he been egging them to run amok or go on a rampage.
It is MCA and DAP that have blown this matter out of all proportions.
Lim Kit Siang objects to surah Al-Baqarah verse 120 being quoted in Friday sermons and now MCA is objecting to certain Islamic terminology being publicly uttered.
MCA is becoming more DAP than DAP.
DAP MCA Kit Siang Liong Sik

MCA is chanelling DAP

Of late, MCA has been either siding DAP or choosing to be on the same page as the evangelical party on several controversial issues.
Last week, MCA slammed Umno Youth’s unruly protest outside the DAP headquarters in Pudu.
Umno Youth was protesting DAP evangelista David Nga Kor Ming’s evangelical message on Hari Raya.
In fact, J-Star – the media owned by MCA – had even tried to do damage control for YB Nga.
One of my readers Oik65 @ 2016/07/08 at 9:59 am pointed out:
“Did you notice that in their report on this, The Star only showed the top half of the picture and never did mention the ‘Lord guide our nation back to you’ bit?”
BELOW: Refer the missing bottom half of the poster that my reader said the J-Starhad cropped
david nga kor ming lighthouse
David Nga Kor Ming in his Aidil Fitri message had invoked Jesus to guide Malaysia back to him. This is provocative as Malaysia is a Muslim country.
The DAP evangelistas are baiting and agitating Muslims in Malaysia and MCA (through its Nest of Evangelistas media apparatus) is covering up for the evangelical party.
MCA’s cover-up all this while for the DAP has not gone unnoticed.
gunting star dalam lipatan

Gunting dalam lipatan

A couple of days ago, the blog Unspinners highlighted:
“Selama ini, media Cina dan termasuk media kepunyaan [MCA] The Starbanyak membantu Lim Guan Eng. Malah ada merasakan The Star dikuasai wartawan pro-DAP.
“Media Cina menapis serangan terhadapnya dari dibaca pengundi Cina dan Cina educated. Mereka pertahankannya. Di mana kritikan dan isu berasas maka susah untuk ditangkis, mereka perlahankan atau orang putih kata play down.
It is due to MCA’s collusion with DAP and complicity in covering up for DAP that the Chinese voted almost 90 percent for the opposition in GE13, and today the Dapster lynch mob has spun all out of control.
MCA owns the most profitable and influential media conglomerate in Malaysia but has not shifted public opinion among the Chinese one iota to BN’s favour.
The Star Media Group, which is fully controlled by MCA, employs thousands of journalists but despite (or rather because of) the extensive reach of The J-Star, the Chinese community is overwhelmingly anti-establishment.
If the Star Media Group is genuinely pro-BN, then how in the world did the Chinese tsunami happen when it is always bandied about that the government press will brainwash the masses?

Instead, the truth of the matter is that provocation by the DAP evangelistas has been covered up by MCA for far too long. It is time that Umno as the BN taiko hold MCA to account. -helenang

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