
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, July 13, 2016

ISIS Issues Another Death Threat, Time To Declare a Religious Emergency.

Image result for dato ayub khan

Well everyone has forgotten the other one and we will leave it at that. Now the ISIS has issued a death threat against our very own Dato Ayub Khan the Chief of Bukit Aman's Counter Terrorism Unit.


  • IS issues death threat to nation’s top anti-terror cop
  • July 13, 2016
  • head of Police counter-terrorism unit a target of ISIS 
  • Muhamad Wanndy death threat against Counter-Terrorism head Ayob Khan
  • received threat via phone call for detaining Wanndy’s older brother in May 
  • as well as foiling ISIS's plans in Malaysia
  • Ayob said those involved in anti-terrorism targeted by terrorists 
  • They want to attack us first followed by non-Muslims in the country
  • Ayob said he will continue his fight against IS 
  • will stop any attempts to carry out terror attacks
  • managed to quell nine plots so far
  • be continued without any fear of terror groups
  • 213 individuals, including 27 foreigners, detained
arrests in Kedah and Perak (30 each)
Kuala Lumpur (28)
Johor (19)
Selangor (17) 
Negri Sembilan (13) 
Kelantan (11)
Pahang and Terengganu (eight each)
Sabah and Malacca (six each)
Penang and Perlis (four each) 
Sarawak (two)
  • Malaysian IS in Syria urged IS supporters here to stage attacks
  • also threatened to ensure Bukit Aman will no longer have peace
  • June 28 a hand grenade thrown at Movida club in Puchong
  • injury to eight individuals
My comments :  

Now they are even bold enough to threaten the life of the Police Chiefs.  Then what about the lives of ordinary people? Like the people at the Movida Club in Puchong? People like you and me?  Surely we are all at high risk.

I blame this on our education system. Also on our religious education system.

Here are some suggestions.

1.  The Special Branch achieved their Golden Age in the fight against the communists. First from 1948 until 1960. Then from circa 1975 until 1989.  The fight against the communists was comprehensive - military, political, social and psychological. 

The time has come for the Special Branch to rise to the occassion again. There is a new enemy, much more dangerous than the communists. These are the religious people. 

They could be your neighbours or your family members. Maybe that fellow praying inside that Bukit Aman mosque. It is much more difficult to identify this enemy.  They do not wear the Tiga Bintang cap.   

They wear jubah, just like you. 
They wear serbans and kopiah just like you. 
They may have a beard and no moustache, just like you. 
They could even be you. 

Yes you could be the enemy but you may not realise it. 

Anyway the time has come for the Special Branch to launch another all out, comprehensive war against religious extremism and religious fanaticism.   This is another Emergency situation.  

However there is no need to use the National Security Act or suspend the next General Elections.
This war cannot be fought with guns and weapons. It has to be a war of ideas, intellect, thinking and discussion.  We must kill this particular shaitan once and for all.
2. Firstly the gomen must stop funding students to study religion anywhere outside Malaysia.   This is to safeguard our National Security or Keselamatan Negara.  The reason is extremely, very, very simple. How do you know what satanic religion they teach in the religious institutions in Sudan, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan?  How can you guarantee that they are not M.U.I.S (Muslims Under The Influence of Shaitan)?    No one can guarantee that they do not teach shaitan ideology or satanic religion. 

So do not send our students to study religion overseas. They must only study inside Malaysia.

The gomen must not recognise any certificates or degrees in religious studies from any country other than Malaysia.  Especially for government jobs.  

Then the gomen must NOT recognise any certificate, diploma or ijazah in religious studies awarded by local religious institutions which do not meet special security vetting by the Police, by Home Affairs or by the MKN (yes the garu tel*q guys).  

Their curriculum and especially their teaching methods plus their teachers must be vetted by the Security and Intelligence people. It must be made a security issue. The country's National Security (Keselamatan Negara) is at stake.  Religious teachers without a Security Clearance cannot be allowed to teach. Or to conduct ceramahs anywhere.

Ustaz Ferrari, Zakir Naik and other clowns should not be allowed to speak to our people. Remember : this is a matter of Keselamatan Negara or National Security.

3. The gomen must stop funding students to study anything at all (medicine, economics, engineering etc) in any of the shaitan influenced Arab countries in the Middle East. OrAfrica, Pakistan, Afghanistan,  Iran etc. The gomen must completely stop sending ALL students  to these countries. Just avoid them. Period. They are almost all of them Failed States or Failing States. These countries are filthy, dirty, unhygienic, corrupt, non productive, poor, economically backward, socially barbaric, they have no technology, they are dictatorships, undemocratic, there is no freedom of the press or fredom of speech. Why do you want our students to go and live and study among such shit hole societies that have produced Failed or Failing States? Hangpa ni bodoh ke?

4.  The role of the guru agama should be severely curbed in ALL our schools. The easiest way to do this is to put the guru agama into a pool system. This means the guru agama are NOT permanent members of the teaching staff in any one school. They will be stationedoutside the schools. Then they must move around and teach agama classes in schools in one area according to a timetable.   This way the guru agama will not influence the school's affairs.

5.  The gomen must stop all religious activities, baca doa, baca Quran, ceramah pagi, usrah etc  in gomen offices and buildings on taxpayers money and during working hours.  Civil Servants can attend all these religious activities OUTSIDE office hours and they can organise their own ceramah using their own money.  No religious activity during office hours or using taxpayers money.  Because you dont know which religious teacher is NOT an ISIS supporter. You dont know which civil servant is NOT an ISIS supporter.  The ISIS supporters will use all these opportunities to spread their ideas and to recruit new members.

6.  Finally (short of time) the gomen must abolish the 3,5,6 Laws aka the syariah criminal enactments. (3 years jail, RM5000 fine and 6 strokes of the Quran). These laws must be abolished and ALSO declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

There must be NO criminal punishment of any kind that have anything to do with religion (no arresting people for not fasting, for khalwat, for selling some book in a bookshop, no such thing as 'the crime of insulting Islam', no such thing 'the crime of insulting the religious authority' etc.) There must be no such things.  Allah has guaranteed to protect Islam. So please dont be busy bodies and say that you too want to protect Islam. Just who the hell do you think you are?  Agama hangpa pun tak ada garenti betui.  Agama suku.   

So this is the Emergency Situation in our country now. Act now before it is really too late. 

Do not say I did not warn you.  

Finally read my latest book 'Kafir Who?' which also explains why the religion based societies ar such a threat to peace and progress.

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