
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 14, 2016


Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has "little power" as he is unable to censure his underlings who squared off with police at a demonstration in front of the DAP headquarters on Tuesday, DAP's Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh said.
The demonstration led by Federal Territories Umno Youth chief Razlan Rafii and Umno Youth exco member Ibdillah Ishak was against DAP's Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming who allegedly made Facebook postings which disrespected Muslims.
"It is shocking and regrettable that to date, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has not uttered a single word condemning such disgraceful behaviour.
"It is obvious that Khairy wields little, if any, power and influence in Umno Youth as he is incapable of reprimanding those involved as Umno Youth chief.
"Khairy should take this opportunity to take the necessary disciplinary action against those involved so as to send out a strong message that such behaviour can, in no way, be condoned or risk being labeled ineffective," Ramkarpal said in a statement.
He added failure to reprimand the demonstrators is also tacit endorsement of "hooliganism".
The demonstrators had pushed anti-riot police who formed a barricade to stop them from entering the DAP headquarters at Pudu.
They also threw hell notes to symbolise "DAP's death", as the notes are customarily burned for the dead.
Nga is alleged to have posted a Hari Raya Aidilfitri greeting featuring the American flag and a cartoon of children in baju melayu asking for donations or 'dedak' (animal feed) instead of 'duit raya'.
'Dedak' in political circles refers to political handout to appease or win over supporters.
The American flag posting was posted on a Nga Kor Ming Facebook fanpage that Nga claims is unauthorised.
The cartoon was reportedly published on the same page but Malaysiakini cannot independently verify this as the fanpage has been deactivated.
Nga denies making the postings, and lodged a police report over the matter.
In 2014, Khairy apologised when DAP's signboard was damaged in a demonstration after DAP's Seri Delima assemblyperson RSN Rayer called Umno "celaka" (damned).
Ramkarpal also recalled how his late father, Karpal Singh was in 2009 barred from entering Parliament by Umno Youth demonstrators over statements allegedly made.
He added Tuesday's protest were crimes under the Peaceful Assembly Act and Sedition Act.
"It is to be noted that the reason behind the said protest is absolutely irrelevant to those offences having been committed.
"The police are urged to investigate the said incident thoroughly without fear or favour and charge the culprits concerned, in the event investigations reveal offences were in fact committed, as such behavior cannot be tolerated in any way.
"Lack of action by the police is as dangerous as the incident itself as it may encourage similar incidents from occurring again in the future," he said.
Umno supreme council member Ismail Sabri Yaacob and Cheras division chief Syed Ali Alhabshee said the protest was justified as the postings were insulting, but Culture and Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz said it is wrong to throw hell notes. - M'kini

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